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Zenafey edited this page May 16, 2023 · 1 revision


Before starting creating images, obtain your api key on Prodia API page

Now, you need to define api key in you script, to do this user prodia.Client():

import prodia

prodia.Client(api_key="paste here your api key")


Normal mode

🚧 This is a list with generating methods that is not asynchronous and blocks script until completing generation

txt2img generation

image = prodia.txt2img(prompt="kittens on cloud") 

img2img generation

image = prodia.img2img(
  prompt="photo of dog"
)  #imageUrl and prompt are required arguments


🚧 This is a list of generating methods that is asynchronous and work only inside asynchronous function

arunv1 generation(async text to image)

async def test():
	image = await prodia.arunv1(prompt="kittens on cloud")

arunv2 generation(async image to image)

async def test():
	image = await prodia.arunv2(
  prompt="photo of dog"

📘 Note that all methods(at the moment) returns url of generated image