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Zen1th edited this page Mar 14, 2021 · 9 revisions




Using the multitask aspect (with tasks/processes) and the drivers orientation. You can develop easily multitasked applications.

Fuchas is also a great OS for devs, being that it includes many tools: OpenOS compatibility, VELX and CPIO reader and writer, built-in editor (and with OpenOS compatibility, you can even use ShEdit !) and the driver system already supports upcoming hardware GPU buffers, drivers, IPC, security and user system, SJF multi-threading scheduler, process metrics (cpu load, etc.) and even unmanaged filesystems support. And all those features aren't all of Fuchas's advantages.

And for the end user, he benefits of the freedom to install any interfaces he wants, to easily install/desinstall programs. And to use apm in Fushell to manage packages and install new applications easily.


It is also an OS containing a lot of libraries inside it for developer usage. For example, it contains liburf, a reader + writer of uncompressed URF archives

Note: Using Lua 5.2 is a security fault as being that the SHA3 module require Lua 5.3, Lua 5.2 also doesn't allow to login (or create) an account protected by password. Which means you have 0 permissions on Lua 5.2

But still, even with Lua 5.2, Fuchas is more secure than most OC OSes.

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