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Posted .scriptrc_post (e.g., .bashrc_post, .vimrc_post) that will be loaded after .scriptrc (e.g., .bashrc, .vimrc).

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Posted Scripts for .*rc Scripts

Posted .scriptrc_post (e.g., .bashrc_post, .vimrc_post) that will be loaded after .scriptrc (e.g., .bashrc, .vimrc) to Set up some common configurations for common conditions, e.g., .vimrc, .bashrc.

Installation( via Git Clone)

Clone this repository directly to home directory.

# cd to home directory.
cd ~
# Clone this repository directly to home directory.
git clone


  • Enable posted .bashrc scripts for your bash terminal.

Add line: source ~/.scriptsrc_post/.bashrc_post to your ~/.bashrc to enable posted scripts for .bashrc.

  • Enable posted .vimrc scripts for your vim editor.

Add line: so ~/.scriptsrc_post/.vimrc_post to your ~/.vimrc to enable posted .vimrc scripts.


Configure Modules to be Loaded for Bash (.bashrc_post)

You may comment lines in ~/.scriptsrc_post/.bashrc_post file to configure modules to be loaded.

source ~/.scriptsrc_post/.bashrc_basic
source ~/.scriptsrc_post/.bashrc_prompt
source ~/.scriptsrc_post/.bashrc_git
source ~/.scriptsrc_post/.bashrc_coding
source ~/.scriptsrc_post/.bashrc_proxy

Configure Modules to be Loaded for VIM (.vimrc_post)

You may comment lines in ~/.scriptsrc_post/.vimrc_post file to configure modules to be loaded.

so ~/.scriptsrc_post/.vimrc_basic
so ~/.scriptsrc_post/.vimrc_cpp

Posted Scripts for Bash

Posted .bashrc for Basic Usage About Bash(.bashrc_basic)

# Simplify commands.
# Now you can use cd1 to change to parent folder.
alias ..="cd ../";
alias ...="cd ../../";
alias ....="cd ../../../";
alias .....="cd ../../../../";
alias ......="cd ../../../../../";
alias cd1="cd ..";
alias cd2="cd ../..";
alias cd3="cd ../../..";
alias cd4="cd ../../../..";
alias cd5="cd ../../../../..";

# For frequently used commands.
alias c="clear";
alias r="reset";
alias q="exit";

# Hint for important operations.
# You will got hints for what you have just done:)
alias rm="rm -v";
# -i, --interactive     prompt before overwrite (overrides a previous -n option)
alias cp="cp -iv";
alias mv="mv -iv";

# Find with a maxdepth option.
alias find-with-maxdepth='find -maxdepth';

# save the bash history to ${HISTFILE}_whatever.
# @see
alias save-bash-history-to-whatever='export HISTFILE="${HISTFILE}_whatever"'

# Print every command being executed.
# @see
alias set-on-xtrace='set -o xtrace'
# Stop printing every command being executed.
alias set-off-xtrace='set +o xtrace'

Posted .bashrc for the Shell Prompt(.bashrc_prompt)

# Backing up the current PS1 and providing reset cmd in case for need.
export PS1BACKUP=$PS1
alias reset-ps1-to-origin="export PS1=\$PS1BACKUP"

# Removing the >>'$'<< sign and spaces around from original PS1. Substring matches the pattern >>' \$*'<< will be removed.
export PS1=${PS1/' \$'*/''}
# Removing any characters following with the last occurrence of ' \$*' in $PS1.
# export PS1=`echo $PS1 | sed 's/\(.*\)\\\$.*/\1/'`

# Posted .bashrc for shell prompt for git.
# Display git branch in bash prompt.
# It may be displayed unexpectedly or cause some error, so try it out by yourself; (it's fun :).
# @see
# Appending >>'(GIT_BRANCH_NAME)'<< (Git branch name wrapped in parentheses/round-brackets) with a color of blue.
export PS1=$PS1'\[\033[01;31m\]$(__git_ps1 '"'"'(%s)'"'"')'

# Appending >>' $ '<< (a dollar sign with spaces around) with color being set as red.
export PS1=$PS1'\[\033[01;34m\] \$'

# Appending >>' '<< (a space) and set prompt color to white.
export PS1=$PS1'\[\033[00m\] '

# And finally the PS1 probably will be something like >>\[\e]0;\u@\h \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\] \[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[01;31m\]$(__git_ps1 '(%s)')\[\033[01;34m\] \$\[\033[00m\]<<

Posted .bashrc for Git(.bashrc_git)

# Print out the history log in oneline with a prefix of '- ', of the current branch by default.
# @see
alias git-log-dash-oneline='git log --format="- %s"';

Posted .bashrc for Programming(.bashrc_coding)

# Count lines of codes of files of a specified format.
# @see
function count-lines-of-code(){
	local p1=$1;
	local p2=$2;
	if [ -z "$1" ]; then
		(echo -e "\e[01;33mYou are not specifying the target folder, and the current directory \".\" will be used.\e[0m" >&2)
		(echo -e "\e[01;33mYou may use \"count-lines-of-code ./some-folder js\" to count code lines of all \"*.js\" files.\e[0m" >&2)
	if [ -z "$2" ]; then
		(echo -e "\e[01;33mYou are not specifying the file extensions, and all files like \"*.*\" are gonna be checked.\e[0m" >&2)
	find "${p1}" -name "*.${p2}" | xargs wc -l

# Total number of lines of codes of files of a specified format.
function count-lines-of-code-summary(){
	count-lines-of-code "$@" | tail -n1

Posted .bashrc for Proxy(.bashrc_proxy)

# Enable proxy for the current terminal using the exported $SELECTED_HTTP_PROXY.
# The http proxy is used because many command do not support socks5 proxy well.
# Make sure your SELECTED_HTTP_PROXY has been correctly exported.
# export SELECTED_SOCKS5_PROXY='socks://';
alias using-proxy="export HTTP_PROXY=${SELECTED_HTTP_PROXY}; export HTTPS_PROXY=${SELECTED_HTTP_PROXY}; export HTTP_PROXY=${SELECTED_HTTP_PROXY}; export https_proxy=${SELECTED_HTTP_PROXY}; export no_proxy=',localhost,*,';";
alias enable-proxy=using-proxy;
alias disable-proxy="export HTTP_PROXY=''; export https_proxy=''; export HTTP_PROXY=''; export HTTPS_PROXY='';";

# Use http proxy for git.
# @see
alias enable-git-proxy="git config --global http.proxy ${SELECTED_HTTP_PROXY}"
alias disable-git-proxy="git config --global --unset http.proxy"

Posted Scripts for VIM

Posted .vimrc for Basic Usage About Vim(.vimrc_basic)

" Using 'jk', 'JK', and 'Jk' to escape insert mode.
inoremap jk <esc>
inoremap Jk <esc>
inoremap JK <esc>

" Show lines number by default.
set number

" Settings for programming.
set autoindent
syntax on
filetype on
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on

" Ignore case when searching by default and automatically switch to a case-sensitive search if you use any capital letters.
" @see
set ignorecase
set smartcase

Posted .vimrc for C++(.vimrc_cpp)

" Auto indent in C/C++.
set cindent


Posted .scriptrc_post (e.g., .bashrc_post, .vimrc_post) that will be loaded after .scriptrc (e.g., .bashrc, .vimrc).







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