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No. Relevant Functions Description
176 window: dense_rank() ifnull() Second Highest Salary
\177 window: dense_rank() or ifnull()+limit() UDFUNCTION:Nth Highest Salary
180 NO LAG() LEAD()in mySQL Consecutive Numbers
181 self join Employees Earning More Than Their Managers
182 Group by + having Duplicate Emails
183 left join Customers Who Never Order
184 window: rank() Department Highest Salary
185 window: dense_rank() Department Top Three Salaries
197 self join Rising Temperature
262 BETWEEN() Trips and Users
511 window: dense_rank() Game Play Analysis: find first_login date
550 AVG(),DATEDIFF(),MIN() Game Play Analysis IV
\608 MOD(), CASE WHEN Exchange Seats
626 IS NULL, NOT IN GTree Node
\1077 Union() or CTE: with recursive Project Employees III: find the most experiecned employees
\1158 On vs Where Market Analysis I
1270 window: rank() All People Report to the Given Manager
1285 window: row_number() Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges
1308 window: sum() Running Total for Different Genders
1369 window: count()+ rank() Get the Second Most Recent Activity
\1407 IFNULL() Top Travellers: Repeat names(don't group by)
1412 rank()*2: decending / ascending Find the Quiet Students in All Exams
1532 window: rank() The Most Recent Three Orders
1549 max() The Most Recent Orders for Each Product: keep the duplicates
1596 window: rank() The Most Frequently Ordered Products for Each Customer
\1613 CTE: with recursive Find the Missing IDs
1709 window: LEAD() Biggest Window Between Visits
\1767 CTE: with recursive Find the Subtasks That Did Not Execute
1949 Union + Join Strong Friendship
1951 window: rank() All the Pairs With the Maximum Number of Common Followers
1972 window: dense_rank()+ Union First and Last Call On the Same Day
  1. Trips and Users

Aggregation Functions:




max() / min()


Calculation Symbols:

’*‘ multiply

/ divid

% remainder

abs() absolute

stddev() Standard deviation

cbrt() cubed root


date_sub('2022-8-20', INTERVAL 3 day), to create new date

date_add'2022-8-20', INTERVAL 3 day), to create new date

date_format(day,"%Y-%m-%d"), to extract only date from column 'day'

age(col1, col2), calculate the gap year between two columns, col1(later) > col2

datediff('2022-8-20','2022-8-19'), calculate the days diff between two columns, col1(later) > col2


coalesce() return the 1st not null value


cast('2022-8-20' as DATE) transfrom datatype

group_concat(col [ORDER BY col SEPARATOR ',']) Concatenate a column according to specific conditions


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