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BenMql edited this page Jun 2, 2022 · 15 revisions

Coral v1

By contrast with Coral "legacy", "modern" versions of Coral (starting at v1.0.0), have a focus on scalability (to allow high resolutions) and user-friendliness (to freely modify the governing equations and explore different models). As far as resolution is concerned, tests have been performed up to 2304 cubed, and were only limited by our ability to access enough computing power--the parallelization strategy relies on libraries that has the capacity to handle 8192 cubed. Governing equations, boundary conditions, and output diagnostics are defined by the user in mere text files (some examples of which are given).

Coral v1.3

Latest version: v1.3.1

A 1D ("slabs") domain decomposition is now available. When the problem fits in the memory (i.e. for resolutions that not too large), this implementation is faster than the 2D ("pencils") domain decomposition. The exact size limit would depend on the machine. As an indication, it is possible to use up to 384**3 alias-free modes on the Occigen and Irene computing clusters.

Coral v1.1

Quicksaves (for each linearly coupled variable) are now stored in physical space. This modification has two benefits: solutions can be continued in time using a different resolution (e.g., it is common in fluid mechanics that transient regimes demands higher resolution than the following stationary regime, which can hence be studied with a more modest resolution); the user can easily tailor the initial condition.

Coral v1.0

First implementation. Plane Layer geometry. 2decomp&fft library for domain decomposition.

Legacy Coral

Previous versions of Coral featured hard-coded governing equations for (rotating) turbulent convection. These versions are highly specialized, and not particularly user friendly. The parallelization follows a "slab" strategy (i.e. one direction is distributed, as opposed to two direction for "modern" versions, starting at v1.0). The practical implication is that legacy coral versions reach their limits for resolutions of the order of 512 cubed. They are very well suited to isotropic ("cube") simulations with resolutions up to 384 cubed; they also perform well on "flat" domains, i.e. 2048x2048x128, with a shallow coupled direction. If for any reason you have interest in one of these models, they are available on my bitbucket repository upon request.

Coral v0.4.0

Same physics as 0.3.3. A classic toroidal-poloidal potentials and mean flow decomposition is adopted for velocity. A data structure for handling groups of linearly decoupled equations is introduced.

Coral v0.3.3

This is the legacy branch: the last version which uses the (q,chi,psi,phi) decomposition for representing the solenoidal velocity field.

Coral v0.2.3

Upright and tilted rotating convection. Heating at the boundaries only. Rescaled equations are implemented. Possibility to start from a solution to the asymptotic equations.