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ERV identification, annotation and quantification pipeline built for ccbr1271

Table of Contents

1. Disclaimers


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2. Background

This pipeline detects and quantifies Endogenous Retroviruses using the scripts obtained from the Belkaid group.

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3. Flowchart


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4. Technical Details

4.1 Usage

⠠⠵ ./erv


Welcome to

... v1.0.0


This pipeline was built by CCBR (
Please contact Vishal Koparde for comments/questions ([email protected])


Here is a list of genome supported by this pipeline:

  * hg38          [Human]
  * mm10          [Mouse]

  /path/to/erv -w/--workdir=<WORKDIR> -m/--runmode=<RUNMODE>

Required Arguments:
1.  WORKDIR     : [Type: String]: Absolute or relative path to the output folder with write permissions.

2.  RUNMODE     : [Type: String] Valid options:
    * init      : initialize workdir
    * dryrun    : dry run snakemake to generate DAG
    * run       : run with slurm
    * runlocal  : run without submitting to sbatch
    ADVANCED RUNMODES (use with caution!!)
    * unlock    : unlock WORKDIR if locked by snakemake NEVER UNLOCK WORKDIR WHERE PIPELINE IS CURRENTLY RUNNING!
    * reconfig  : recreate config file in WORKDIR (debugging option) EDITS TO config.yaml WILL BE LOST!
    * recopy    : recreate tools.yaml, cluster.yaml and scriptsdir in WORKDIR (debugging option) EDITS TO these files WILL BE LOST!
    * reset     : DELETE workdir dir and re-init it (debugging option) EDITS TO ALL FILES IN WORKDIR WILL BE LOST!
    * local     : same as runlocal

Optional Arguments:

--genome|-g     : genome eg. hg38(default) or mm10
--manifest|-s   : absolute path to samples.tsv. This will be copied to output folder  (--runmode=init only)
--help|-h       : print this help

Example commands:
  ./erv -w=/my/output/folder -m=init [ -g="mm10" -s="/path/to/sample.tsv" ]
  ./erv -w=/my/output/folder -m=dryrun
  ./erv -w=/my/output/folder -m=run


  python          : 3.10
  snakemake       : 7.32.3
  pipeline_home   : /vf/users/EVset_RNAseq/Pipelines/ERVPipeline/dev
  git commit/tag  : d74ba8f364c0f20d5cf175bb2568783c2abd8c56
  pipeline_version: v1.0.0


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4.2 Resources

Please see resources page for details.

4.3 Location

This pipeline is located at /data/EVset_RNAseq/Pipelines/ERVPipeline on BIOWULF.

Refer complete documentation for more details.

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Please reach out to Vishal Koparde, Ph.D. from CCBR for comments/questions/requests/etc.