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#Abandoned As of 2015-07-20 I have decided to abandon this project. I accomplished what I wanted to with this project, which was to learn more about c++. Now the code is at a point where if I want to expand it significantly I would basically have to rewrite it from the beginning. When I do try to do this I run into some many errors and bugs that it is not worth trying to fix it to me.

This all being said I am going to leave the source code here in case anyone wants to use it. (Not likely since it is pretty crappy). If anyone wants to take over the project (once again why) I'd happily give it to them.

I may still do and update every now and again but because of work and other projects as well as a lack of motivation at the moment, I don't really care to continute this project anymore.

I might start another game at some point, this time a little more focused on the actual game as opposed to learning to code like I did with this one. Maybe in C next time, or C++ or hey maybe I'll learn another language and write it in that. I don't know. What I do know is the next project will be a lot better than this one.

Attacker: The Game

A game I am working on as a way to teach myself c++ putting it here mainly to have a version in a central location, but also to get feedback and help if I get any.

This game is super simple, and as I said I am mostly just using it as a way to improve my understanding of c++. I will welcome any tips or ideas for improvements that someone might provide.

The game itself is boiled down to the most basic level of a game. There are five stats that you can set up however you wish (but there must be at least 1 skill point in each stat).

Strength (STR) - How much damage you do.

Constitution (CONS) - Your health.

Dexterity (DEX) - Effects your chance to dodge. (Will do more later).

Defence (DEF) - Effects how much damage you take.

Luck (LUK) - The random chance things will go your way with dodges, crits, and monsters that spawn.

You must go through 10 randomly generated dungeons fighting monsters along the way.

During each battle you may 'Attack' in which case you and the monster both trade blows. You can 'Heal' for 10% of you maxmium health and the monster does less damage or exit the game.

On each level you are trying to get the the down stairs which is represented by "<". While the player is a "@". Doors are "$" & "!" "$" doors are unlocked and can just be walked through. "!" howvere are locked. You can currently try to break down the door if your strength is greater than 60, pick the lock if your Luck is greater than 60. Or you can use keys which can be found after defeating some monsters.

Like I said there is not a lot to the game as of right now but that is partly why I'm putting the game here so I can get feedback and ideas on how to improve the game.


I have a few goals in mind about what I want to do with this but I am always looking for more ideas. Post any you have in issues as a suggestion.