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QIUSHI BAI edited this page Aug 12, 2019 · 2 revisions

PostgreSQL Adapter

Quick Start:

  • Step 1: insert data into MySQL

    ~/> cd ~/cloudberry/examples/twittermap
    ~/twittermap> ./script/
  • Step 2: setup config file in Cloudberry —— change copy the twittermap/web/cloudberry-postgresqldb.conf's content into cloudberry/neo/conf/application.conf and cover the original codes.

  • Step 3: run cloudberry

    ~/> cd ~/cloudberry/cloudberry
    ~/cloudberry> sbt "project neo" "run"
  • Step 4: change config file in Twittermap

    • change # sqlDB = PostgreSQL into sqlDB = PostgreSQL;
    • change sql = MySQL into # sql = MySQL.
  • Step 5: run Twittermap

    ~/> cd ~/cloudberry/examples/twittermap
    ~/twittermap> sbt "project web" "run 9001"
  • Step 6: PostgreSqlMigration file would register schemas by sending them to cloudberry, the services-postgres.js would send send request to cloudberry.

  • Step 7: PostgreSqlGenerator would translate the request query into PostgreSQL query, and send it to PostgresConn, the result would be send back to Twittermap. The website can be visited on http://localhost:9001

The Schema:

Since PostgreSQL has Array type, we added hashtags and user_mentions back to psql's schema.

Cloudberry Middleware:

PostgreSqlGenerator’s diff from MySqlGenerator:

  • quote: ` -> "
  • full text search syntax (differ in parseTextRelation)
  • insert & replace syntax (differ in parseCreate, parseUpsertMeta, parseAppend)
  • SqlDataType (differ in fieldType2MySQLType):
    • tinyint -> smallint,
    • datetime -> timestamp
  • support Bag type (i.e. support hashtags as array format)
    • added parseUnnest
    • added case “Bag" in fieldType2MySQLType
  • different geo format (differ in parseGeoCell):
    • can return as an array, complicated syntax in MySQL like st_asText, st_fromGeoText can be removed.


  • only differs in url

Backend TwitterDataStore's schema:

  • added hashtags & user_mentions


Front-end common/service-postgresql.js:

  • added byHashTagRequest

Frontend schema in MySqlMigration:

  • added hashtags & user_mentions


  • Same change as MySQL.

Docker Containers:

  • postgres-container: ./script/ in twittermap would create postgres-container from postgres image.
  • postgres-sample-tweet: ./script/ would create postgres-sample-tweet from spittet/php-postgres image.