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Basic install and getting started

Igordalessandro edited this page Apr 13, 2022 · 3 revisions

Start with a normal unity build (this project was made for 2021.2.8f1), and place all folders inside the project diretory.
the next step is setting up the correct namespace for your project. to do that open: Edit -> Project settings

Select "Editor" from the settings list and scroll down to "Root namespace".


You can either set your own project Namespace and adapt the code to the new Namespace or just input the default project
namespace that requires no editing: "AIPlayGround"

This step is needed since the AI is capable of creating scripted objects. If the AI fails to create eyes or feel hungry you did something wrong with the instalation.

Note about layers

If you want to use the Vision Sensor example you need to have 2 layers:
-> Solid (blocks vision)
-> Entities (objects that are marked for interpretation by the sensors)