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Malene Trab edited this page Jun 19, 2023 · 8 revisions

Here you'll be able to find answers to the most common questions for this integration

There are no data for tomorrow

Tomorrows dataset will be released at or around 12:45 CET, hence tomorrows prices will be blank from midnight until then.
The integration will automatically fetch the new data when it becomes available.
If for some reason the data release are delayed, the integration will retry until data are available.

Prices are shown in EUR and not my local currency

That might be because you have not set your local currency in Home Assistant configuration.
The integration uses the currency setting in Home Assistant.
Go to Settings -> System -> General and set your currency. After a restart of Home Assistant the prices will be shown in the selected currency.

What is the default Additional Costs template

The default Additional Costs template is {{0.0|float}}

Why can't I use a negative value in the additional_cost template?

You can!
You need to specify the additional_cost like this {{"-1.23"|float}} for the Jinja interpreter to be able to handle this correct.