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How to add costs of subscription and delivery?

Malene Trab edited this page Aug 6, 2024 · 23 revisions

To add costs for subscription and delivery, you can use a template like the one on this page in the additional costs field.
This template are made for use with Modstrøm Klima Plus in DinEl delivery area.
Subscription prices are pr. month or pr. year, so they are a calculated average as every calculation are made pr. kWh.

ALL prices are to be entered WITHOUT VAT!

Extra variables that can be used in templates

Property Description
now The current timestamp object
current_tariff The sum of the tariffs for the hour
current_price The current spot price
el_afgift The current el afgift value as defined by the Danish government
chargeowner_tariff The raw chargeowner tariff (ie. N1 if that's your chargeowner)

Using automatic tariff data

If you are using automatic fetching of tariff data, the only additional costs that are needed would be if your electrical company implies some extra charges/fees - all net fees are added automatic.

A template would then look something like this


The 0.03544 is the extra fee added from the electrical company - in this case Norlys is the electrical company and the contract is for FlexEl.
You can find these numbers in your contract with your electrical company, on the company home page or your could find them on

Example template for extra costs if NOT using automatic tariff data

{% set costs = {
    "elafgift": 0.763,
    "nettarif_lav": 0.1636,
    "nettarif_spids": 0.4537,
    "abonnement_net": 0.09425,
    "eltillaeg_ellev": 0.07,
    "abonnement_ellev": 0.725
    } %}

{% if now().month >= 10 or now().month < 4 %}
  {% if now().hour >= 17 and now().hour < 20 %}
  costs.elafgift + 
  costs.nettarif_spids + 
  costs.abonnement_net + 
  costs.eltillaeg_ellev + 
  {% else %}
  costs.elafgift + 
  costs.nettarif_lav + 
  costs.abonnement_net + 
  costs.eltillaeg_ellev + 
  {% endif %}
{% else %}
  costs.elafgift + 
  costs.nettarif_lav + 
  costs.abonnement_net + 
  costs.eltillaeg_ellev + 
{% endif %}

Additional costs template when USING automatic tariff data

This is a list of known additional costs based on subscriptions.

As there is no API to pull these data from, it will still be necessary to add one of these small additional cost templates.

NOTE! This list is manually maintained, and if one of the templates are no longer correct, please do report this.
A great source for these informations is for the Danish market.

Subscription Template
andel energi - TimeEnergi {{0.132|float(0)}}
andel energi - Variable pris {{0.045|float(0)}}
AURA FlexEl {{0.08|float(0)}}
Clever Power {{0.0154|float(0)}}
Elforbundet - Vindstød {{0.00|float(0)}}
Energi Fyn - SpotEl {{0.076|float(0)}}
EWII - Timepris {{0.03|float(0)}}
EWII - Grøn Timepris {{0.078|float(0)}}
Forsyning Helsingør - Kronborg El DK1: {{0.05319|float(0)}}, DK2: {{0.1456|float(0)}}
Forsyning Helsingør - Kronborg El+ DK1: {{0.01319|float(0)}}, DK2: {{0.1056|float(0)}}
Gasel {{0.008|float(0)}}
GNP Energy - Fordel Plus el {{0.048|float(0)}}
Grøn OK El Flex {{0.2057|float(0)}}
Jysk Energi - FDM Strøm {{0.0275|float(0)}}
Jysk Energi - Min Strøm {{0.04|float(0)}}
Kärnfull {{0.024|float(0)}}
Modstrøm Grundprodukt {{0.26|float(0)}}
nettopower {{0.1|float(0)}}
Norlys FlexEl {{0.072|float(0)}}
NRGi - Bevar-Mig-El {{0.1184|float(0)}}
NRGi - Indkøbspris {{0.0384|float(0)}}
OK El Flex {{0.10570|float(0)}}
SEF Energi A/S - FleksVIND {{0.136|float(0)}}
Velkommen {{0.15|float(0)}}
Verdo Variable Timepris {{0.06|float(0)}}
Vindstød DanskVind {{0.005|float(0)}}
Vindstød LokalVind {{0.005|float(0)}}
Vindstød SpotVind {{0.19|float(0)}}
Vindstød VEstrøm {{0.012|float(0)}}
Watts {{0.0|float(0)}}
Ø-Strøm - SpotEL {{0.08|float(0)}}