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How to Run Starter Cypress Automated Tests

amyreit edited this page Jun 7, 2023 · 1 revision

There are two ways to execute the starter tests. There are two github actions that execute a sanity check on the starter's downloaded files for both gradle and maven. Those can be found under the Actions Tab in this repository - Test All Gradle Starter Zips and Test All Maven Starter Zips. These tests use cypress to create the start zip files but just use a curl command to verify that the newly built server's html is okay.

Additionally, there are a set of cypress tests in the repository. To execute these tests:

Run git clone [email protected]:OpenLiberty/

cd to folder and follow the instructions to run any of the cypress tests including the starter related tests. These test will use cypress to navigate to the starter's server to verify that it looks correct as opposed to just using curl to skim the html.

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