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Setup for Manual Testing of the Starter

amyreit edited this page Jun 7, 2023 · 1 revision

Pre-req - maven must be installed on your machine (for example - brew install maven on mac-os)

  1. Run mvn liberty:dev

    This will do the following:

    • build the openliberty-starter-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
    • download and unzip the wlp to directory,
    • create the defaultServer, copy the server.xml to directory,
    • copy the .war to the apps directory of the server and start the server (defaultServer)
  2. Visit https://localhost:9443/api/start/info to confirm the API is healthy

  3. To test the generated using maven, use the query params for ex. https://localhost:9443/api/start?a=app-name&b=maven&e=9.1&g=com.demo&j=8&m=5.0

  4. To test the generated using gradle, use the query params for ex. https://localhost:9443/api/start?a=app-name&b=gradle&e=9.1&g=com.demo&j=8&m=5.0

To test the downloaded

  1. Unzip the downloaded & cd to inside the app-name directory
  2. Add the to src/main/java/com/demo/rest from this sample
  3. Run gradlew libertyDev or mvnw liberty:dev
  4. Check the splash page http://localhost:9080
  5. Go to http://localhost:9080/openapi/ui/
  6. Go to http://localhost:9080/app-name/api/properties
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