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Building Commands!

Mihou edited this page Nov 24, 2021 · 12 revisions

πŸͺž Building Commands with Velen Mirror

Velen Mirror has made building commands with Velen far easier, readable, and compatible with both slash and message commands without changing structures and so forth, but before we can move forward with building commands, let us first understand the concept of Velen Mirror that is now considered the main constructor for commands of Velen.

🎁 What is Velen Mirror

Velen Mirror is the new command constructor system of Velen that aims to separate the nature of your code and the command constructors which tends to be a mess especially for bots with tons of commands. Mirror is far cleaner and verbose to read than ordinary Java builders, written under the .velen syntax.

To fully understand the outline of Mirror, let us take a glance at a simple ping-pong command that can be found written similarly on both Message and Slash folders but adapted to their own use-case. Our example here will showcase how they can be written in Hybrid Command.

πŸŽ‚ Ping-Pong with Velen Mirror

Now that we know of all the currently possible options of Velen Mirror, let us start to minimize the file to view the actual parts of the command, shall we?

To see a full explanation of everything, please scroll even more below.

😲 ping.min.velen

&[ping]: hybrid {
    desc: Do you want to ping-pong with me?
    usage: ping [pong|ping]
    usage: ping [ping|pong]
    shortcut: pong
    &[response]: option {
        desc: What kind of move will you make?
        choice: [PING, PONG]
        choice: [PONG, PING]
        required: true
        type: string
    cooldown: 5000

Doesn't that look quite clean and readable, compare that to the original Java builder method:

VelenCommand.ofHybrid("ping", "Do you want to ping-pong with me?",
        velen, new PingHandler(),
        SlashCommandOption.createWithChoices(SlashCommandOptionType.STRING, "response", "What kind of move will you make?", true, 
                SlashCommandOptionChoice.create("ping", "pong"),
                SlashCommandOptionChoice.create("pong", "ping")
        .addFormats("ping :[response::(ping,pong)::(pong,ping)::required()]")
        .addUsages("ping [pong|ping]", "ping [ping|pong]")

And now, imagine the same command but with two or four options, doesn't it look a bit too meh? That is what was Velen Mirror was created for, to mirror a cleaner and readable look of command constructing.

πŸš‰ Handlers

You may be thinking now, where is the logic behind how this ping command will work?

Velen velen = Velen.ofDefaults();
velen.addHandler("", (event, responder, user, args) -> {
   args.withName("response").flatMap(VelenOption::asString).ifPresent(s -> responder.setContent(s).respond());

🍑 Loading Commands

Velen can automatically load all the commands for you, all you have to do is specify all the folders that you want Velen to load. For example, if you want Velen to load all the commands in examples folder which includes (message, slash, and hybrid), all you have to do is add this line of code:


🏟️ Automating slash command updating and creation

Velen supports automatic updating and creating of slash commands using its own VelenObserver which collects all the slash commands registered on Discord (if there are any) and compares it with the ones that are on its registry. A simple example of utilizing the component is:

Velen velen = Velen.ofDefaults();

.. Imagine there are handlers here.
DiscordApi api = ...;

new VelenObserver(api, ObserverMode.MASTER).observe(velen);

What the above does is create a new VelenObserver instance that has a mode selection to suit your needs. There are four different modes to VelenObserver:

  • MASTER: This both updates and creates commands that need to be registered or updated to Discord's API.
  • UPDATE: This only performs updates to commands that it finds are outdated on Discord's end (for example, a change in the description of a command).
  • CREATE: This only performs create requests to Discord API over commands that it cannot find from Discord's API.
  • WATCHDOG: This logs both commands that need to be updated or created instead of doing any other extra work.

🌟 Indexing Slash Commands

Slash Command Indexes are a critical factor especially for bots that are utilizing server-specific slash commands and global commands that have the same name. Indexes also improve slash command performances by changing from O(n) algorithm to O(1) algorithm which, although minor, is still a performance improvement.

πŸ”΄ Indexes calls requests to Discord at start-up that requests all slash commands, for global and servers (if you specify to index server-specific slash commands as well). It can increase your bot's loading time up to one to ten seconds or longer depending on the number of commands, BUT, it should only take a single second or even less if you don't have any server-specific commands.

To perform a global-only slash command index, all you need is to add this line:

Velen velen = ...;
DiscordApi api = ...;


To perform a server-specific plus global slash command index, you can add this line instead:

velen.index(true, api).join();

πŸˆ‚οΈ How does indexing work?

Slash Command Indexes fetches the ID of the slash command and matches it to the appropriate slash command that it is intended for using cues such as server_id and name then saves them for use. The command handler for slash commands will prioritize indexes over the O(n) algorithm if there is any, but will revert to O(n) at any point in time if needed.

πŸ”¬ Mirror Explanation

Now, you may be thinking... can I have an explanation and more details about the currently available ways of creating commands and options? Don't worry, feel free to look at here. Note: I will be showing all the possible options and their explanation in the code block below

I recommend taking a read on as well to understand subcommand and subcommand groups on Velen.

⏱ Ping.velen

# This is how we specify what category the command
# will be located on.
# &[fun]: category

# We construct the name and type of the 
# command using this, you can change the type of this to slash
# and it will still work, change it to message and it will still work again.
&[ping]: hybrid {

    # This is the description of the command that will show up in
    # slash commands and also can be fetched via getDescription method.
    desc: Do you want to ping-pong with me?
    # This is how we initialize a usage that can be fetched via
    # the getUsages method, which returns back a list because there can be
    # multiple usages in a single command.
    usage: ping [pong|ping]
    usage: ping [ping|pong]
    # This is otherwise called an alias of a command, this only applies
    # to message commands but can be placed in hybrid commands as it utilizes
    # message commands as well.
    shortcut: pong
    # This is how you initialize an option, if you want to setup a subcommand
    # all you have to do is change `option` to `subcommand` and wrap the options
    # inside the brackets, the same thing for `subcommand_group`.
    &[response]: option {
        desc: What kind of move will you make?
        # This is how you initialize choices in hybrid, message and slash commands.
        # In our case, we are using [USER'S CHOICE, OUR RESPONSE].
        # Read the Options Wiki to understand more:
        choice: [PING, PONG]
        choice: [PONG, PING]
        # This is how we make a slash command option required.
        # Message commands always has options required.
        required: true
        # This can be placed on the last option of a command
        # to tell Velen to grab all the input of the user and squash
        # it into this option, for example, Hello World would be returned
        # if this option is enabled instead of just "Hello"
        # but you can also replicate this behavior by wrapping the user input
        # in quotes like: "Hello World".
        # has_many: true
        # You can specify the type of this option, there is quite a bit
        # of options and to list them all:
        # user, channel, role, numeric, boolean, mentionable, number, integer : These will all convert to their slash command equivalent.
        # user, channel, role, message, emoji, webhook, boolean, numeric, integer, string: These will all convert to string on slash command
        # but the second line of types will be aliased to their regex pattern (or algorithm) for message commands.
        type: string
        # You can also set regex patterns required for an option
        # this only applies to message commands at the moment though.
        # regex: ^[0-9]+
    # This is how you specify the cooldown in milliseconds.
    # It must be in milliseconds.
    cooldown: 5000
    # This is how you specify a command format using message commands.
    # You should generally not use this and simply use the option constructor
    # shown above since it will also be easier to move to slash commands.
    # This is how the resposne option above looks though if you were to convert
    # it to a command format.
    # has_formats: ping :[response::(ping,pong)::required()]
    # This is how you tell Velen to make this command only respond
    # to servers.
    # server_only: [true]

    # This sets the default permission used for the command.
    # You can use this to enable this command only for server admins or server owners (works with slash commands and message).
    # default_permission: true
    # This is how you tell Velen to make this command only in 
    # the specified server (also register the slash command there).
    # server_only: [true, 123123123123L]
    # This is how you tell Velen to limit this command to only
    # the people with these permissions. 
    # For a list of permissions, please use the names of the enums on
    # This is how you tell Velen to limit this command to
    # the people with the specific roles.
    # roles: [123123123L, 123123123L]
    # This is how we specify the handler for the command.
    # The best practice right now is to place [command type].[command name] 
    # to make them easier to find, you can also just go with [command name] or 
    # some other name.
    # If you want to separate the handling for both message and slash
    # you can tell Velen by replacing the handler above with these two.
    # handler:
    # handler:

🎭 Conclusion

And that's quite literally how the command works, in fact, you can make it into two lines but for the sake for readability, I've decided to expand the lambda function. Velen allows you to have a single handler for both message and slash commands which is a key feature of the framework, but you can also opt to using multiple handlers.

That is the beauty of Velen Mirror and how you can make an entire Discord bot with very little code, did you like it?

πŸ“Ά NOTICE: It is recommended that you look at the full examples of each type @ Examples to understand fully how this entire thing looks in both code and structure.