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Velen Utils

Mihou edited this page Jul 26, 2021 · 3 revisions

🧰 Velen Utils

This is a utility class of Velen which you can use as you like to retrieve user mentions, role mentions, channel mentions in their proper order. Here are all the methods of the utility class:

Collection<Long> : VelenUtils.getOrderedUserMentions(String message);
Collection<Long> : VelenUtils.getOrderedChannelMentions(String message);
Collection<Long> : VelenUtils.getOrderedRoleMentions(String message);

Collection<User> : VelenUtils.getOrderedUserMentions(DiscordApi api, String message);
Collection<Ch..> : VelenUtils.getOrderedChannelMentions(DiscordApi api, String message);
Collection<Role> : VelenUtils.getOrderedRoleMentions(DiscordApi api, String message);

String           : VelenUtils.getCommandSuggestions(Velen velen, String query);
Pair<Map<Str,Str>, Str[]> : VeleUtils.parseArgumentArgsArray(String[] args);
String[]         : VelenUtils.splitContent(String);
boolean          : VelenUtils.startsWithMention(String content, String mentionId);