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Building DB Schema

Brad McAllister edited this page Oct 6, 2017 · 2 revisions

Building Schema

In order for your conference rooms to be displayed in roomRequest, you need to add them to the buildings mongoDB collection. I have included a sample building called ORD with an array of conference rooms. To add your conference rooms simply add a new document with the following structure. Below would add a building called HQ with a single conference room called Boardroom.

    "buildingId": "HQ",
    "buildingName": "Example HQ",
    "address1": "",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "Chicago",
    "state": "IL",
    "phone": "",
    "type": "Demo Office",
    "lattitude": "",
    "longitude": "",
    "floors": [
            "floorID": "1",
            "floorName": "1ST FLOOR",
            "drawingName": "",
            "status": "Online"
    "timeZoneId": "America/Chicago",
    "offset": -21600,
    "conferenceDetails": [
            "spnamePretty": "Boardroom",
            "schedname": "Boardroom (12)",
            "spaceCap": 1,
            "videoConferencing": "Y",
            "tpscreen": "MX800",
            "proxyStatus": "PUBLIC",
            "tpScreenNumber": 2,
            "EmailAddress": "[email protected]"
    "dstOffset": 60

If leveraging Heroku and mLab for the mongoDB. This document can easily be added following these steps:

  1. Open the Heroku dashboard and select your application.
  2. Click on "Resources" and then click on "mLab"
  3. Click on the "buildings" collection.


  1. Click on "Add document"

Add Document

  1. Paste in the new building in the format outline above. Click "Create and go back"

Create Document

  1. Finally Log In to and edit the "location" entity. Add a new row for "HQ" or whatever the name of the new building is.
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