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Repository files navigation



This is a work in progress. Please pin your version and treat updating like installing a new plugin until this warning is gone. Thanks!

Search text file content via the Tantivy search engine, all within Neovim.


  • Neorg search index - Create the search engine index for the current workspace. Must be run each time you launch nvim before you can run a query (WIP like I said)
  • Neorg search query fulltext - "normal" search. Searches body text, title, and categories
  • Neorg search query categories - search for all files tagged with one or more categories


You need the rust toolchain installed or this plugin will not build


Lazy's luarocks implementation is unable to build the luarock unless you manually install luarocks-build-rust-mlua locally by running: luarocks --local --lua-version 5.1 install luarocks-build-rust-mlua before you attempt to install this plugin.

After that, you can install like normal.


:Rocks install neorg-se

[""] = {
    -- values shown are the default
    config = {
        -- Index the workspace when neovim launches. This process happens on a separate thread, so
        -- it doesn't significantly contribute to startup time or block neovim
        index_on_start = true,


This plugin can also act as a category completion source for benlubas/neorg-interim-ls. No additional configuration is required here. Just install and load this module and configure the rest in neorg-interim-ls!