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Specification Brainstorm

Andrew M Keller edited this page Dec 16, 2019 · 1 revision


Specification for version 1.0 of the tools.

Some of the features that are needed for this release include

  • The ability to parse EDIF files.
  • The ability to compose EDIF files. (note other formats are a priority for future releases)
  • Our current Intermediate Representation
  • Our current Implementation of Virtual Instances

With virtual instances and the intermediate representation the documentation needs to be collected into one central location. Also functional tests should be created (we might already have some of these. we could collect them into one place) to test the overall functionality of the intermediate representation and virtual instances.

The remaining features that need more work are outlined in the following sections

  • Documentation
  • API


The tools contain the following bits of documentation:

  • A getting started users guide

  • Function level documentation of end user facing APIs

  • A deep look at the intermediate representation

  • Intro to the intermediate representation

  • Readme

  • This Specification

a breif summary of each piece of documentation is provided below

The Getting Started Users Guide This guide outlines how to dive in and start using the tools from a new users perspective. It also outlines some of the key features of the tools through a hello world type example of how to use the tools.

Function Level Documentaiton of End User Facing APIs This guide provides API specification that is used by the tools. This guide gives users the inputs and outputs that the API provides. It allows the user to create their own parsers, composers, analysis, and transformation tools on top of the SpyDrNet tool. End users should feel free to contribute tools that they find of particular interest to the examples portion of the codebase

A deep look at the intermediate representation This guide is an important reference for users who wish to become more familiar with the interals of the tool. This guide is a recomended read for those who want to work directly on extending or improving the tools because it outlines the details of the internal representation and how they were thought about and decided. The virtual instances should also be described as well as what function the fill. I feel that most of this document exists but needs to be collected from various places

Intro to the Intermediate Representation This document will provide a high level overview of what components are in the intermdiate representation. It will include information in a way easy for the new user to understand and figure out. Since the intermediate representation is a generic netlist this document should be written as a reference for users of other netlists. Deeper information can be linked to in the previously mentioned document

Readme This document outlines the details of how to get the tool installed and where to find the other documentation. it should contain the following information: Dependencies Recomended packages as well as a breif summary of why How to install the tool on Windows, Linux (Mac?) A very quick example of how to import the tool How to find the other documentation

tutorials are also needed for the design Several tutorials are also included in the documentation. These include creating a 4 bit counter with the code. Also exporting an edif file.

Intermediate Representation

In this releas we need to include the intermediate representation. This representation is already coded in our code base. Some additional tests should be run on the representation to ensure we are releasing

Virtual instances

virtual instances - this is key!!!

virtual elements - mirror of real elements in the design what is an instance: an instantiation of a definition in a netlist definitions can be instanced more than once becuase it can be instanced more than once virtual instances uniquely identify the instances of the definitions it is a hierarchical location in the actual netlist instantiation as well you can know exactly where you are in the netlist

"A virtual instance is a unique reference to an instance of a definition"

The information is stored in the netlist the virtual instance provide a unique pointer to instances of elements This simplifies access to the netlist for graph analysis without worrying about implementing this yourself.

The inner pin is the virtual pin outer pin is not created until it is connected outer pin can be found from the inner pin

The intermediate representation


getting started guide

Write out what the things are supposed to do


This section defines the API for the tools that can be used to extend the tools and do cool things to netlists. The API can be roughly split into 3 categories. The creation, The analysis, and The modification. Each element in the design has functions that allow creation and deletion. The API can also be split into the virtual and the netlist components. The API functions that are included in this release are the following:

Creation API on non-virtual netlist objects

These api calls are made directly the belong to no object. ie import spydrnet

netlist = create_netlist("my netlist name")

  • create_netlist()

  • create_definition()

  • create_instance()

  • create_port()

  • create_cable()

  • create_pin()

  • create_wire()

  • create_library()

  • create_property()

For all of the calls except create_instance, the api is largely the same. Each of the calls creates an orphaned object of the type with the name passed in as a parameter The parameter is a name for the object to create. ???if an object of the creation type is passed in the return is an exact deep copy of that object.

For the call to create_instance a definition must also be passed in and an orphaned instance of that definition returned.

Analysis API on non-virtual netlist objects

This api has 2 sets of functions the first does not belong to any object and can be called directly the same way as the creation api ie.

netlist_list = get_netlists()

When called from the top level these functions can be passed a kwargs parameter of with a default value None. When passed this parameter it will just call the coresponding function on the object passed in.

These can also be called on any of the virtual and non-virtual netlist objects. The return value will be virtual netlist objects. (if a non-virtual object is needed one can be obtained through api calls discussed later).

library_list = netlist_list[0].get_libraries()

The following are the calls

  • get_netlists()

  • get_libraries()

  • get_definitions()

  • get_ports()

  • get_cables()

  • get_pins()

  • get_properties()

  • get_wires()

  • get_pins()

the objects from which each of these can be called is outlined below.

get_netlists() This can be called from the top level or from any netlist object to return the netlist that contains that object.

get_libraries() This will return all the libraries of an assciated design or the libraries that contain the object that it is called on.


Outline for the rest of the specification

virtual instances are included beware of those current netlist and instances are included in the top level netlist The top level is really a netlist Change the word environment to netlist The state is kept at the top level in the Global environment manager

The API needs get_definitions get_cells get_virtual_instances


persist_once_global_data (singleton at the top level)

slots (in the python dictionary of each object)
