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Py DS_Engineer Lab Report #05

Amy Lin edited this page Jul 14, 2017 · 3 revisions

Python Programming for Data Scientists & Engineers Lab #05

Lab #05-1 Library Management System

Five classes are created : Person, Student, Member, Book, Librarian.

The Student and Memeber classes are inherited from Person for further status specification purpose.

Librarian has the greatest power of all : it inherited from Person and Book, so basically everything.

Lab #05-2 Tic Tac Toe Game using Class

Basically the same as Lab 03 but here Class concept is used for the game.

Prompt player #1 and #2 for their moves. ( row, column )

If player #2 tempts to place a move that the player #1 already occupied, he/she will be ask to enter another coordinate.

Moves of player #1 and #2 will be output on the board on every move.

If the result is a tie, output "TIE" and end the game.

If player #1 won, announced player #1 as the winner and exit the game.

If player #2 won, announced player #2 as the winner and end the game!

Lab #05-3 Game Of Life (Unfinished)

I haven't gotten enough time to finish this up but the concept is to create 4 functions to determine the state for the cell and its surrounding.

Then these functions will be called based on the cell value on the randomly assigned 10 x 10 board to determine the condition.

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