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Elvi Çela

ecela15 edited this page Jun 4, 2018 · 15 revisions

----04.06.2018---- WEEK 12

This week I worked on finalizing the diagrams that would end up in the software documentation. Also, I worked on the documentation itself. Furthermore, I did extensive testing of the page to see if there were any bugs.

----29.05.2018---- WEEK 11

This week I worked on updating the diagrams we presented last week, with what the professor had to say about them. We are closely working together with the group so the diagrams are inline with each other, and correct.

----15.05.2018---- WEEK 9

This week, I worked on the Sequence Diagrams and the Data Flow Diagrams. Also these past time I didn't update my Wiki, because all I did was watch tutorials of Symfony, the platform that we are going to use when the coding part of the project begins, and before that there were the midterms and a holiday.

----16.04.2018---- WEEK 5

This weekend, after dividing the work in our last group meeting, as agreed upon, I wrote the user scenarios part of our software documentation. They might be subject to change as more meetings are held with our client representatives, and their requirements might change.

----09.04.2018---- WEEK 4

On this weekend I kept watching some tutorials for C# and .NET. I started experimenting with functions and building programs, to get to know how this language works best. I implemented some programs that I had already written in Java, to get an idea of how C# differs and to get familiar with the similarities and differences.

----02.04.2018---- WEEK 3

This weekend, I started working on some tutorials for C#, since this will most likely be our language of choice to implement this software. I noticed that it looks and works a lot like Java, however I should get used to the different functions there are. There are functions with the same outputs as in Java, but these functions mostly have different names, and I will have to learn them to become fluent in C#. I will continue with tutorials this week, and later move on to the .NET implementation. I also worked on writing the first draft of the Product Service Description.

----29.03.2018---- WEEK 3

Today on March 29th, 2018, together with the rest of the group we had a lengthy meeting with a representative from the Tirana Municipality. We discussed in detail the general functionalities that our Project would need to include, in order for it to be beneficial and in working order for the users. We got to know the real needs that we need to address, and we started discussing on how we would solve problems that immediately arose from an Engineering Software point of view. While we addressed some of these problems, we will have to meet and discuss again to give a solution to these problems, after also fully reading and analyzing the law concerning the governance of shared buildings and spaces and singling out the user requirements etc.

----23.03.2018---- WEEK 2

Today on March 23rd, 2018, I had the first meeting with the client, representative of the Municipality. We had a short discussion with the client, about the ideas that we had previously discussed with the group, including the functionalities that our platform would offer to the users. Without going into specifics, the client also mentioned some of the basic requirements that we would have to offer in order for the platform to be of benefit to the users, such as having a database of families that the building administrator can access, a database to keep track of monthly payments regarding services for shared spaces in the building, and having the option for the administrator to electronically submit documents regarding matters that require the permission from the Municipality's relevant office. We concluded that we would meet again sometime during the next week, in a meeting that would be scheduled in a later time because of the client's busy agenda. In this future meeting, we will discuss specifics, and ask questions from both parties that might come up during the design process.

----13.03.2018---- WEEK 1

We held our first meeting as a group. I was assigned the duty to keep contact with the client (customer representative), which consist of one person from the municipality and a building administrator.

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