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Giuliano Ballshi

gballshi15 edited this page Jun 3, 2018 · 15 revisions


This week i had to remake again some of the state diagram and make some final preparations for the project such as document printing, final meeting report etc.


This week our entire team had to redo some of the diagrams from last week.I had to remake collaboration diagram and deliver meeting report.


This week we participated in a StartUp event called StartUP Live Tirana.During the whole weekend i did all views using photoshop and we as a team took our project in a whole new level.During the whole time we presented our idea we took very positive feedback from the the jury and companies like EasyPay, Gjirafa, Ikub etc.


This week i had the task to work on the collaboration diagram.I also took part in the design of data flow diagram.After finishing the collaboration diagram, i immediately started working on the next week task of doing the user interface of the web app which we decided to do on photoshop.


This week after assigning the tasks , i started on writing the user scenarios as requested by using scecific examples .Also we as a group gave a final thought on the sketches.


This week i started working with design sketches for the web application.We as a group wanted to have a general idea of how our design will look.Also, these design sketches are needed in order to have sort of a guidance when working with features that will be added in the app. I also started working with some new tutorials regarding symphony app in php.


On 29'th March we had the meeting with the Director of Building Administrators in the Municipality which took us around one hour and half .We discussed about ideas that we needed to implement in our software in order to make it more efficient and more easier to use for both our users ; the building administrator and the citizens inhabiting it. I also decided to do a rough draft about how i think the web app will look. Since we got more ideas from the meeting that next meeting we will discuss about some of them and how can we add them in the web app.Since after the meeting our ideas are more clear , we decided to complete the first draft about user requirements.


This week on the project we had changed the project and finalized our Municipality Administrator Web Application.The highlight of this week was the meeting with the Municipality Representative.With him was discussed what was necessary to include in the software we will create.

WEEK 1 & 2

This week we had our first meeting as a group.To each of us was assigned a duty.I was assigned as a editor to write the meetings report.We also had a discussion about which project to choose.

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