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Releases: europeana/corelib

Version 2.12.1

20 Jan 08:42
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  • FIX the JDBCConfiguration

Version 2.12.0

08 Jan 10:07
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  • ADD support for using multiple mongo and solr clusters (depending on request subdomain name)
  • ADD allow different base urls for urls referring to Portal, API gateway and API itself (depending on request subdomain name)
  • FIX loading old record data using its new id (underwater redirects broke in previous release)
  • REFACTOR move JIBX classes and definitions to Metis Framework
  • REFACTOR use MongoClient instead of Europeana MongoProvider class
  • REFACTOR timespan serialization
  • REMOVE corelib-common-storage and corelib-edm-definitions modules

Version 2.11.0-HOTFIX

01 Dec 13:54
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This is a hotfix for search facets. It includes switching to the latest (snapshot) version of Metis that contains a fix for handling multiple technical facets (correct usage of AND and OR)

Version 2.11.0

12 Oct 12:32
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This release includes:

  • ADD configurable IIIF Manifest base url in record output
  • REFACTOR use Metis-common library for technical facets in search
  • REFACTOR upgrade to Mongo Driver 4.0.2 and Morphia 2.0.0
  • REFACTOR upgrade to JDK11

Version 2.10.2

22 Sep 08:18
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  • Experimentally disable the maxConnectionIdleTime in MongoProviderImpl
  • REMOVE ThumbnailController and related functionalities
  • ADD /record path if base url is for Search Results

Version 2.10.1

21 Jul 08:02
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  • ADD option to disable redirecting records
  • FIX minor issues in attribution snippet (double info and null values)
  • FIX bug in determining linked contextual entities in record response
  • REFACTOR unit tests
  • REFACTOR upgrade to Mongo driver 3.12.5 and Morphia 1.5.8
  • REFACTOR suppress Jena warnings in the logs

Version 2.10.0

12 May 15:26
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This release includes:

  • ADD record in turtle format
  • ADD timeouts for record and search requests
  • ADD release idle Mongo connections after 1 minute
  • REFACTOR switch to new record redirection database (Metis library)
  • REFACTOR split search and record service into different modules
  • REFACTOR use new Thumbnail API for edmPreview urls
  • FIX edmPreview and edmLandingPage urls for record rdf/xml, json-ld and format
  • FIX dates in
  • REMOVED all hierarchies functionality
  • REMOVED corelib-lookup module

Version 2.9.3

06 Apr 11:23
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Updated and fixed several issues
Added europeana_id to default sorting
Updated the attribution snippet (as part of work on embedding)

Fixed "ebucoreDuration" bug in JSON generation
Fixed error that prevented rdf:type FullTextResource from being shown in the record output
Fixed exceptions occurring in and attribution
Fixed "gray" vs "grayscale" colour space mismatch in WebResourceMetaInfo

Version 2.9.2

02 Oct 15:06
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IMPROVED error reporting throughout Corelib & Api
IMPROVED detection of references for RDF/XML output

UPDATED content of email sent to users who created an apikey

FIXED bug that caused contentTier to not always appear in the search results
FIXED record retrieval issue with Mongo driver 3.7.x
FIXED warning from MongoQueryValidator

REMOVED old org.codehaus Jackson v1. dependencies

Version 2.9.0

15 Jul 09:39
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This version introduces metadata tier information

  • ADD tiers quality information fields
  • ADD support for randomization of search results
  • ADD records now also return mimetype for 'edmIsShownAt' webresources
  • ADD description in Concept serialization
  • FIX allow search qf field to have double quotes when specifying TYPE
  • REFACTOR thumbnail url generation for search results is now similar to that of records (added edmPreview as first field to try)
  • REFACTOR update license information in (and remove it from Java classes)
  • REFACTOR cleanup error logging (facets processing and hierarchical requests that return 404)