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Releases: europeana/corelib

Version 2.8.7

23 Apr 16:25
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  • Fixed missing Object-type field
  • Moved edmIsShownBy to 'minimal' profile
  • Moved dc:description & dc:descriptionLangAware to the 'minimal' profile
  • Fixed the 'uncategorised' category of the reusability facet
  • Fixed the 'not cumulative with other facets' problem with the 'permission' category of the reusability facet
  • Fixed the Cache-control header
  • Fixed the problem that caused incorrect edmPreview values when manually setting the API base url
  • Fixed the issue when trying to highlight unsupported fields in the Newspapers Search API

Version 2.8.6

26 Mar 13:17
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  • ADD support more types of color spaces (other than grayscale or sRGB)
  • ADD serialization for Entity API (Places, Agents, Organizations and Concepts)
  • ADD range facets for dates (for newspapers only!)
  • REFACTOR neo4j migrated to new version (v3.5.2 community edition)
  • FIX bug in rights attribution label

Version 2.8.5

24 Jan 10:41
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  • ADD hit highlighting
  • ADD multi-value-field sorting
  • ADD foafDepiction field to Solr entity classes
  • ADD vcardHasGeo field to Address Solr entity class
  • ADD retrieve record fulltext in RichBean (temporary for debug purposes)
  • FIX image aspectratio accidentally switched portrait and landscape in Metis migration
  • FIX potential nullpointer for DocType
  • REMOVE Facet extractor classes and CRF & ImageHarvester dependencies (required classes are now part of Search API project)
  • REMOVE NoBaseUrl option in EdmUtils class

Version 2.8.4

11 Nov 12:39
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First official release for Metis backend

  • ADD CountryUtils class
  • ADD snappy dependency to allow compression for Mongo connections
  • CHANGE make loading fullbean 2-step process (loading WebResourceMetaInfo is now done in second step)
  • CHANGE upgrade spring-core, spring-security and mongo-driver dependencies

Version 2.8.3

31 Oct 14:19
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Version 2.8.3 Pre-release

This is a special preview release for the Europeana OAI-PMH2 project (Metis edition).
Note that there is no accompanying API2 version

  • ADD secondary object storage (IBM Cloud)
  • FIX 3D objects now have type "3D" instead of "_3D"
  • FIX nullpointer in WebResourceImpl when colorpalette is not present
  • CHANGE generated urls are now based on hard-coded values instead of configuration (these urls may be overriden in the API to use different base urls)
  • CHANGE edmPreview field now returns value as stored in Mongo (and empty value from Solr)
  • CHANGE general cleanup of MediaFile class (removed unused fields and methods)
  • CHANGE make neo4j lazy-loaded
  • CHANGE upgraded spring dependencies to latest version
  • REMOVE corelib-media-storage module (with MediaStorageService class moved to corelib-web)
  • REMOVE old and deprecated apilog functionality

Version 2.8.2

13 Sep 06:37
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Version 2.8.2 Pre-release

This is a special preview release for the new Europeana Metis ingestion system

  • ADD support (alpha state)
  • ADD dcTermsIsPartOf in WebResources
  • ADD getRdfType in TextMetaInfo
  • ADD Realizes field in Proxy
  • ADD placeOfBirth and placeOfDeath now has maxOccures unbounded (instead of 1)
  • ADD make distinction between Resource or Literal in WebResource dcTermsIsReferencedBy field
  • FIX edmLandingPage is (once again) generated by the API instead of retrieved from Mongo
  • FIX RDF serialization issues (handle Vatican City set as country + language-maps with null values)
  • CHANGE deprecate apiv1-url generation in EuropeanaUrlService
  • CHANGE deprecate Search suggestions functionality
  • REMOVE checking for string "/item" in ProvidedCHO, AggregatedCHO and ProxyFor values (moved to API2 project)
  • REMOVE SugarCrm functionality

Version 2.7.1

27 Jul 08:10
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  • ADD EDM completeness
  • FIX Problem where not all Webresource technical metadata was loaded
  • CHANGE EDM rdaGr2:biographicalInformation can now have multiple values
  • CHANGE Added 'has_media' as first sort field for default search result order
  • CHANGE Move all namespace definitions to RDF tag (instead of restating them everywhere) in RDF responses
  • CHANGE Retrieving all a record's WebResources MetaInfo data in 1 go from Mongo (significant performance improvement!)
  • CHANGE Renamed 'metis' spring profile for connecting to a single Solr server to 'single-solr'
  • REMOVE Dereference module
  • REMOVE All FieldInput, Creator and Updater classes in Corelib-storage module (among others)

Version 2.8.1

26 Jul 13:18
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Version 2.8.1 Pre-release

This is a special preview release for the new Europeana Metis ingestion system

ADD - created and modified dates in Record RDF responses

Version 2.8.0

21 Jul 12:06
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Version 2.8.0 Pre-release

This is a special preview release for the new Europeana Metis ingestion system

  • ADD Option to retrieve record data without '' as base url for various fields
  • ADD Make sure ProvidedCHOs, AggregatedCHO and ProxyFor values start with "/item"
  • ADD EDM completeness
  • FIX Problem where Webresource technical metadata was not always loaded
  • CHANGE EDM rdaGr2:biographicalInformation can now have multiple values
  • CHANGE Added 'has_media' as first sort field for default search result order
  • CHANGE Move all namespace definitions to RDF tag (instead of restating them everywhere) in RDF responses
  • CHANGE Retrieving all a record's WebResources MetaInfo data in 1 go from Mongo (significant performance improvement!)
  • CHANGE Upgrade to Solr and Lucene version 6.6.2
  • CHANGE Mongo access to record and recordId databases is now read-only
  • CHANGE Renamed 'metis' spring profile for connecting to a single Solr server to 'single-solr'
  • CHANGE Deprecated all SugarCrm functionality and SimpleAnalyzer class
  • REMOVE Dereference module
  • REMOVE All FieldInput, Creator and Updater classes in Corelib-storage module (and others)

Version 2.7.0

14 Jun 11:54
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  • ADD Change default search result sorting logic (it now uses score, timestamp_update and completeness)
  • ADD Allow users to set multiple sort fields for search
  • ADD Ebucore:bitRate, ebucore.sampleSize and ebucore.audiochannel in webresource technical metadata
  • ADD Doap:implements in record services information
  • FIX Unwanted 'id' output in record services and licenses information
  • CHANGE Edm:collectionName renamed to edm:datasetName in record information for RDF record data
  • CHANGE Deprecated Corelib dereference module
  • REMOVE Disabled use of apilog Mongo database (code was deprecated earlier)
  • REMOVE Disabled use of VocabularyMongoServer