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Releases: europeana/corelib

Version 2.6.7

11 Apr 15:23
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This release includes:

  • ADD Search requests can use a 'theme' parameter
  • ADD Redirects check if the redirect url is known in Europeana
  • ADD Can now return record RDF object directly
  • FIX Offset parameter works for following- and preceding-siblings.json hierarchical queries
  • CHANGE Deprecated various functionality (MyEuropeana, SimilarItems)
  • CHANGE Dependency management no longer in parent pom
  • CHANGE Various changes to Organizations for Metis system

Version 2.6.6

13 Dec 11:10
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  • 'HasPart' webresources are not longer filtered out of record data
  • Support for using a single Solr instance without Zookeeper (with Metis profile)
  • Upgrade log4j to v2
  • Upgrade httpclient to v4.5
  • Removed obsolete MediaService functionality (including Soundcloud, Vimeo, AudioBoo, etc.)

Version 2.6.5

04 Sep 12:20
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This release includes:

  • possibility to configure SOCKS proxy with authentication
  • new and faster version of object storage

Version 2.6.4

02 Aug 09:47
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This release includes various changes in the EDM model

Version 2.6.3

20 Jul 11:55
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This release includes:

  • Refactored mongo and postgres database connections to use a connection url (instead of separate host and port properties)
  • MediaFiles now hava a proper lastModified date
  • All hierarchy queries now have a timeout parameter
  • Fix bug where webresource metadata would always be retrieved from the 'europeana' database (instead of the one specified in
  • Deprecated the 'description' field in EDM (replaced by dcDescription)

Version 2.6.2

02 Jun 09:56
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This release includes:

  • Faster thumbnail retrieval
  • Maximum time limit when checking if record has hierarchy
  • Debug option to output Solr query information

Version 2.6.1

10 Apr 13:15
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This release includes:

  • update of the mongo and morphia drivers
  • revision of the mongo login procedure
  • a few small EDM schema changes

Version 2.6.0

10 Feb 13:34
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This release includes

  • Added data inconsistency checks for record queries
  • Improved problem reporting
  • Improved children count for hierarchical objects

Version 2.5.2

16 Jan 13:41
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In this release we:

  • Changed thumbnail and sitemap storage from Swift to S3
  • Added labels for rights statement urls
  • Switched to using a europeana parent.pom
  • Removed all snapshot dependencies and fixed some broken dependencies
  • Fixed a few minor issues in unit tests

Note that due to some release problems the version numbering in actual pom.xml files may not be accurate.

Version 2.3

24 Feb 13:50
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In this long-overdue release we added the following:

  • Swagger
  • Technical metadata extraction
  • Solr cursorMark paging
  • Updated search result sorting
  • Unit test/quality improvements
  • Updated API database structure
  • Updated CloudFoundry environment properties
  • Added Cobertura, Coveralls and Travis
  • Code cleanup

and numerous bugfixes, too many to list individually. Full details can be found in the pull request