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Browsing DSU entries

Gene M. Angelo, Jr edited this page Jan 6, 2024 · 4 revisions

You can browse DSU entries for the current week, month and year. dsu browse is somewhat similar to dsu list with added week, month and year convenience SUBCOMMANDs. dsu browse is also different from dsu list in that it pipes its output to the terminal, so you can conveniently scroll through the your entries using your keyboard or mouse.

Keyboard and/or mouse behavior while browsing (scrolling), is operating system dependent; dsu browse pipes its output to the terminal using less on nix systems, and more on Windows systems.

Browsing the current week

Browses the DSU entries for the current week, of the current year.

dsu browse week # Browse the current week, for the current year
dsu b w # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts

Browsing the current month

Browses the DSU entries for the current month, of the current year.

dsu browse month # Browse the current month, for the current year
dsu b m # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts

Browsing the current year

Browses the DSU entries for the current year.

dsu browse year # Browse the current year
dsu b y # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts