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Displaying dsu help

Gene M. Angelo, Jr edited this page Jan 11, 2024 · 5 revisions

dsu provides two methods of executing tasks: commands and subcommands; commands and subcommands are virtually the same. The only difference is that subcommands are grouped under a single command; in the end, this is simply a way to organize commands.

This subtle distinction is important to keep in mind when displaying dsu help, because help for commands vs. subcommands are obtained differently.

dsu has three levels of help. Each successive level provides the appropriate level of detail.

  • dsu general help
  • dsu command help
  • dsu command subcommand help

Displaying general help

dsu help
dsu # Equivalent to the above

Displaying command help

Typing dsu help <COMMAND> where COMMAND is the name of any dsu command, will display the help for that command.


dsu help add
dsu h a # Equivalent to the above, only using shorthand

Displaying command subcommand help

You can display help for any command subcommand.

Some dsu commands have subsequent subcommands. dsu commands that display the SUBCOMMAND banner, have subsequent subcommands.


Typing dsu <COMMAND> help <SUBCOMMAND> where SUBCOMMAND is the name of any subcommand corresponding to COMMAND, will display the help for that subcommand.


Here we see that the dsu edit command has subcommands.

dsu help

Here we see the names of these subcommands (date, today, tomorrow and yesterday)

dsu help edit

You can display help for any of these subcommands.

dsu edit help date
dsu edit help today
dsu edit help tomorrow
dsu edit help yesterday