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Current Features

gilpanal edited this page Jun 12, 2020 · 9 revisions

Automatic upload of audio files

Record something with your voice or attach any audio file

Record voice


Result New Audio tracks

Automatic upload of single document (TODO)

Attach a document to the chat. This feature is still not completed yet.

Drop new document


Result of Doc Attached Web View

Delete files by caption text

To delete a file (audio or document) edit the message and type delete in the caption

Example deleting audio

Delete audio track

Example deleting document

Delete document

Create collections to group songs/channels

You can create a collection to tag different channels or groups. Type in the chat collection: <YOUR COLLECTION NAME>

Create collection


New collection successfully

Chat photo used as cover image for the song/channel (TODO)

The chat photo can be used as a cover image. This feature is still not completed yet.

New chat photo


Result Chat Photo Web View

Detect chat title changed

When you change or edit the name of the chat is detected and updated.

Change chat title