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Epigenomewide association

jinghuazhao edited this page Jun 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

This is furnished with and ewas.subs, along with a few other files as follows,

Files Description EWAS imputation
ewas.subs subroutine called by
get_weight.qsub SGE script for EWAS weight generation
get_weight_subs subroutine callable from get_weight.qsub and parallel
CpG.lst list of probe IDs with weights
weights/ directory containing weights for all probes as specfied in CpG.lst
EWAS/ directory containing PLINK binary files for each probe
EWAS.pheno PLINK phenotype file with header for all probes
EWAS.bim PLINK .bim file sorted by SNP IDs

This implementation used the same idea as TWAS. Data from 1000Genomes imputation were scaled down to those in HapMap II to make the weight generation more tenable to sample size. Note that weights were obtained for all probes so it is possible to impute for only subset(s) of them. The file EWAS.bim was generated in order to make it easier to align strands for SNPs as in GWAS with those in the reference panel.

Additional information is now available from EWAS-fusion.

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