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Minimalistic GTK themes

Stilo themes Wallpapers | Icons | Fonts: Roboto / SF Mono | GNOME shell extension: Dash to Panel


  • GNOME Shell 40.1+ (Older versions can be found under the releases section.)
  • GTK 3.24.13+ and/or GTK 4.2+

I can't guarantee that the themes will look as intended on older versions.

Some of these packages may already be installed by default on some distros. (You can skip the gtk2 dependencies if you do not use any gtk2 applications. Then all you need to install is git, meson, sassc, and ninja)

  • Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/PopOS - apt install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf ninja-build git meson sassc
  • Arch/Manjaro - pacman -S gtk-engines gtk-engine-murrine ninja git meson sassc
  • Opensuse - zypper in gtk2-engine-murrine gtk2-engines ninja git meson sassc
  • Fedora - dnf install gtk-murrine-engine gtk2-engines ninja-build git meson sassc

Other distros may have named the above packages differently.


When the above requirements are installed, simply run these commands:

git clone
cd stilo-themes
meson build
sudo ninja -C build install

The themes will be installed in: /usr/share/themes

Updating the theme

Navigate to the stilo-themes folder that was originally cloned. (If you removed it, do the steps above instead).

Then simply run:

git pull
sudo ninja -C build install

Changing themes

Use gnome-tweaks to change themes.

You can also change your GTK themes using a terminal.

# Changing the theme to Stiloetto-dark, simply run
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Stiloetto-dark

# Reverting the change to the default GNOME theme
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Adwaita

To change the gnome-shell theme you need to install and activate the User themes extension in the extensions app.

  1. If the user-themes extension is not installed, then look for the package gnome-shell-extensions or gnome-shell-extension-user-theme and install it. (Or install it from
  2. Open the extensions app and activate the user themes extension.
  3. Go to the Appearance page in gnome-tweaks and change the Shell theme to Stilo in the drop-down list. (If it still shows a yellow triangle, then restart gnome-tweaks or relog.)

Xfce users can change themes in Settings > Appearance and Settings > Window manager

Flatpak applications

To use the theme in Flatpak applications you'll have to copy the theme(s) from /usr/share/themes to ~/.themes (Symbolic links won't work.)

The theme will be used if the included GTK version for the Flatpak app is at 3.24.x or 4.x. Some apps may require you to change the theme in the app's settings.

Removing the themes

To be safe from any gnome-shell crashes or weird behavior, change the gnome-shell theme to another one before removing the theme.

As root, remove the Stilo Stiloetto Stilo-dark Stiloetto-dark folders located in /usr/share/themes

Copying or Reusing

The GTK theme(s) and included scripts are free software licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.