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Future Plans

Norihiro Kamae edited this page Mar 24, 2022 · 10 revisions

These are what I'm thinking to implement in near future.


  • select program and preview as a source
  • multi-threading to avoid dropping frames or interleave frame to process and scatter the steps of calculation to frames.
  • dock to show all of them easily
  • select area by mouse
  • scale filter


  • features from FFmpeg
    • mode; gray, color, etc.
    • intensity
    • envelope
    • graticule (On/off is implemented but color has not been configurable yet.)
    • graticule-flags; name, white, black
    • opacity
    • bgopacity
    • thresholds
    • colorspace
    • tint
  • skin tone line
  • use effect to convert to YUV for performance
  • zoom (like Kdenlive)


  • features from FFmpeg
    • mode; row, column
    • intensity
    • mirror (Scene item can be flipped.)
    • display; overlay, stack, parade.
    • components
    • envelope
    • filter
    • graticule
    • graticule-flags
    • opacity
    • scale; digital, millivolts, ire
    • bgopacity
    • tint
    • format; RGB, YUV


  • features from FFmpeg
    • level-heights
    • scale-heights
    • display-mode; stack, parade, overlay
    • level-mode; linear, logarithmic
    • components
    • fgopacity
    • bgopacity


  • Zebra
  • False color
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