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Norihiro Kamae edited this page Jun 26, 2021 · 1 revision

Skin Tone Line on Other Softwares

Reference HTML color Hue
Premiere Pro1 #ff5300 19
Final Cut Pro2 #ff5100 19
Davinci Resolve3 #ff5200 19
Kdenlive #ff6600 24
Pantone-SP #B1927F (avg.) 22
X-rite ColorChecker #A88976 (avg.) 22 (light: 25, dark: 21)

Note that there are errors around 1-2 in the HTML color code.

Method to Measure Skintone Line

Since I don't have access to some tools, I referred these articles and measured the screenshots.

  1. Find a screenshot of the vectorscope.
  2. Put the screenshot on OBS-Studio.
  3. Overlay the vectorscope plugin on the screenshot image.
    • Add color-key filter to the vectorscope to make the background transparent.
  4. Put them at the same location.
    • Adjust sizes to make these sources as large as possible.
    • Adjust the size and location to ensure component color indicators match.
    • If the component color indicators do not match, try anthor color space property.
  5. Adjust skin tone color property.
    • Set red to 255, set blue to 0.
    • Adjust green.


  1. The Skin Tone Line, Pixel Valley Studio This article shows some examples of vectorscope. They didn't mention which tool they use but it looks Adobe Premiere Pro.
  2. Final Cut Pro User Guide
  3. 5 Tips for Getting Perfect Skin Tones in DaVinci Resolve
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