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Releases: oneapi-src/oneTBB

oneTBB 2021.13.0

26 Jun 13:43
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oneTBB is happy to introduce 2021.13.0 release!

What's New

  • Extended the parallel_reduce and parallel_deterministic_reduce functional form APIs to better support rvalues reduction (GitHub* #1299).

See our Release Notes to learn about issues fixed in this release.

sha256 sums for packages

f5c9304710051f0193a07fb91b6d6ada5a3e0a6d623951ee176b1897816ecf4c  oneapi-tbb-2021.13.0-lin.tgz
e9aa143de91f65ea15b62ceeba5845bbc914c882d32bf9c9a405e6b8b5a70ade  oneapi-tbb-2021.13.0-mac.tgz


Thanks to everyone who helped us make 2021.13.0 release possible!

@Alexandr-Konovalov, @timmiesmith, @JhaShweta1, @isaevil, @pavelkumbrasev, @kennethassogba, @kboyarinov, @omalyshe, @KFilipek, @lplewa, @dbs4261, @dnmokhov, @jschueller, @loongson-zjl,
@jamesjer, @aepanchi, @meator, @SoilRos, @db7894, @Vertexwahn, @phprus, @sarathnandu, @geertbleyen, @blonded04

oneTBB 2021.12.0

12 Apr 18:53
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oneTBB is happy to introduce 2021.12.0 release!

What's New

  • Fixed parallel_for_each algorithm behavior for iterators defining iterator_concept trait instead of iterator_category.
  • Fixed the redefinition issue for std::min and std::max on Windows* OS (GitHub* #832).
  • Fixed the incorrect binary search order in TBBConfig.cmake.

See our Release Notes to learn more about known limitations and fixed issues.

sha256 sums for packages

a134231da72c341175722b61d95f1af733cdaf1485fbbeca79222db88e0a97ae  oneapi-tbb-2021.12.0-lin.tgz
8f3879ddf25c8c23d40e8f8a8ba2a1ed6c887c362539ec84975c4ca5948d7472  oneapi-tbb-2021.12.0-mac.tgz


Thanks to everyone who helped us make 2021.12.0 release possible!

@dnmokhov, @aepanchi, @isaevil, @jschueller, @ilya-lavrenov, @pavelkumbrasev, @elias-plank, @GertyP, @martin-marinov77, @bavirnen, @jordancartwright, @omalyshe, @phprus, @brechtsanders, @lkeegan, @kboyarinov, @JhaShweta1, @bansan85, @Vertexwahn, @knoepfel, @Alexandr-Konovalov, @timmiesmith

oneTBB 2021.11.0

17 Nov 16:41
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oneTBB 2021.11.0

oneTBB is happy to introduce 2021.11.0 release!

What's New

  • Fixed tbb::this_task_arena() behavior for specific tbb::task_arena{1,0}.
  • Restored performance on the high-core count systems that support _tpause.

See our Release Notes to learn more about known limitations and fixed issues.

sha256 sums for packages

95659f4d7b1711c41ffa190561d4e5b6841efc8091549661c7a2e6207e0fa79b  oneapi-tbb-2021.11.0-lin.tgz
360bcb20bcdcd01e8492c32bba6d5d5baf4bc83f77fb9dbf1ff701ac816e3b44  oneapi-tbb-2021.11.0-mac.tgz


Thanks to everyone who helped us make 2021.11 release possible!

@pavelkumbrasev, @isaevil, @brad0, @kboyarinov, @lplewa, @aleksei-fedotov, @omalyshe, @dnmokhov, @aepanchi,
@emmanuel-ferdman, @Nekto89, @sarathnandu, @KFilipek, @JhaShweta1, @ldorau, @Vertexwahn, @xiacunshun, @sukeya

oneTBB 2021.10.0

24 Jul 16:50
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oneTBB is happy to introduce 2021.10.0 release!

What's New

  • Since C++17, parallel algorithms and Flow Graph nodes are allowed to accept pointers to the member functions and member objects as the user-provided callables.
  • Added missed member functions, such as assignment operators and swap function, to the concurrent_queue and concurrent_bounded_queue containers.

See our Release Notes to learn more about known limitations and fixed issues.

sha256 sums for packages

d5be4164a1f2e67a8c7bc927cbe2b36690815adb48d36e50b9e3b8afa4c99310  oneapi-tbb-2021.10.0-lin.tgz
20899b66b8a42d649283209276e70dd7e10ab10d90fd3c7372fc6e28dbc9a94b  oneapi-tbb-2021.10.0-mac.tgz


Thanks to everyone who helped us make 2021.10.0 release possible!

@sarathnandu, @wills-int, @dnmokhov, @ElEHsiang, @ZeronSix, @pavelkumbrasev, @kboyarinov, @isaevil, @phprus, @alexandraepan, @KFilipek, @ldorau, @JhaShweta1.

oneTBB 2021.9.0

14 Apr 10:12
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oneTBB is happy to introduce 2021.9.0 release!

What's New

  • Hybrid CPU support is now a fully supported feature.

See our Release Notes to learn more about known limitations and fixed issues.

Open-source Contributions Integrated

  • Fixed the issue reported by the Address Sanitizer. Contributed by Rui Ueyama (#959).
  • Fixed the input_type alias exposed by flow_graph::join_node. Contributed by Deepan (#868).

sha256 sums for packages

1e8f4d584c209b1a1d1935e72c0a86c16e65e6d2859cb96736ec6ed72c6123f5  oneapi-tbb-2021.9.0-lin.tgz
2892f2a51aa404ba95bf20b6a9d5763bb8b6250aa0dc40a876d72c94f35748f0  oneapi-tbb-2021.9.0-mac.tgz


Thanks to everyone who helped us make 2021.9.0 release possible!

@sarathnandu, @isaevil, @alexandraepan, @omalyshe, @Vertexwahn, @kboyarinov, @ValentinaKats, @pavelkumbrasev, @dkurt, @dbiswas2808, @ivankochin, @Chronial, @glaubitz, @georgthegreat, @AdrianBunk, @jwakely, @andrewcorrigan, @thesamesam

oneTBB 2021.8.0

17 Feb 13:36
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oneTBB is happy to introduce 2021.8.0 release!

🔨 Fixed Issues

  • Fixed oneapi::tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue::pop return type (GitHub* #807).
  • Fixed oneapi::tbb::concurrent_queue and oneapi::tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue with non-default constructible value types (GitHub* #885).
  • Fixed incorrect splitting of iteration space in case there is no support for proportional splitting in custom ranges.

See our Release Notes to learn more about known limitations and new features.

sha256 sums for packages

ee410e991bb44ce11437fbf93abedc7c4b1d0cb254e9b91cc2e0ddb0f5375566  oneapi-tbb-2021.8.0-lin.tgz
9d620781d12d36a279bb27f4feb8c3b25d12c133e0d5b8661b867405d2445ee8  oneapi-tbb-2021.8.0-mac.tgz


Thanks to everyone who helped us make 2021.8.0 release possible!

@prcups, @AnuyaWelling2801, @kopalja, @kboyarinov, @ValentinaKats, @alexandraepan, @pavelkumbrasev , @isaevil , @aleksei-fedotov, @phprus , @egfefey

oneTBB 2021.7.0

28 Oct 10:48
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oneTBB is happy to introduce 2021.7.0 release!

🔨 Fixed Issues

  • Memory allocator crash when allocating ~1TB on 64-bit systems (GitHub* #838).
  • Fixed thread distribution over NUMA nodes on Windows* OS systems.
  • For oneapi::tbb::suspend, it is guaranteed that the user-specified callable object is executed by the calling thread.

:octocat: Open-source Contributions Integrated

  • Fix for full LTO* build, library and tests, on UNIX* OS systems. Contributed by Vladislav Shchapov (#798).

See our Release Notes to learn more about known limitations and new features.

sha256 sums for packages

3c2b3287c595e2bb833c025fcd271783963b7dfae8dc681440ea6afe5d550e6a  oneapi-tbb-2021.7.0-lin.tgz
2c25ac2212b88ea277a89b9c82da73ffe9b520818b2c502d9a961fa6c0942a7e  oneapi-tbb-2021.7.0-mac.tgz


Thanks to everyone who helped us make 2021.7.0 release possible!

@alexandraepan, @alexey-katranov, @zheltovs, @AnuyaWelling2801, @aleksei-fedotov, @AlexVeprev, @phprus, @pavelkumbrasev, @anton-potapov, @isaevil, @andreastedile, @sarathnandu, @sicherha, @dnmokhov, @KseniiaBakina, @jvoisin, @leleliu008, @timmiesmith, @rui314, @ValentinaKats, @kboyarinov, @vlserov

oneTBB 2021.6.0

20 Sep 15:35
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oneTBB is happy to introduce 2021.6.0 release!

What's New

✅ New Features

  • Improved support and use of the latest C++ standards for parallel_sort that allows using this algorithm with user-defined and standard library-defined objects with modern semantics.
  • The following features are now fully functional: task_arena extensions, collaborative_call_once, adaptive mutexes, heterogeneous overloads for concurrent_hash_map, and task_scheduler_handle.
  • Added support for Windows* Server 2022 and Python 3.10.

🔨 Fixed Issues

  • Memory allocator crash on a system with an incomplete /proc/meminfo (GitHub* #584).
  • Incorrect blocking of task stealing (GitHub* #478).
  • Hang due to incorrect decrement of a limiter_node (GitHub* #634).
  • Memory corruption in some rare cases when passing big messages in a flow graph (GitHub* #639).
  • Possible deadlock in a throwable flow graph node with a lightweight policy. The lightweight policy is now ignored for functors that can throw exceptions (GitHub* #420).
  • Crash when obtaining a range from empty ordered and unordered containers (GitHub* #641).
  • Deadlock in a concurrent_vector resize() that could happen when the new size is less than the previous size (GitHub* #733).

See our Release Notes to learn more about known limitations and new features.

sha256 sums for packages

f9a40ac0be66e363a93f263a4bc5cdf3b8c3327d364b912a1135e7ad58d3c481  oneapi-tbb-2021.6.0-lin.tgz
9cd8df59518ae99b8bf491311f2eea9aa0ca4663fc00a026abacef5e5679ce4b  oneapi-tbb-2021.6.0-mac.tgz


Thanks to everyone who helped us make 2021.6.0 release possible!

@AlexVeprev @vlserov, @isaevil, @zheltovs, @alexey-katranov, @alexandraepan, @pavelkumbrasev, @anton-potapov, @leeks-int, @Lastique, @KseniiaBakina, @ivankochin, @Vertexwahn, @phprus, @kraj, @MehdiChinoune, @martymac, @Iliamish, @kboyarinov, @jschueller, @AndrewDeanMS, @aleksei-fedotov

oneTBB 2021.5.0

22 Dec 19:37
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oneTBB is happy to introduce 2021.5.0 release!

What's New

  • Reworked synchronization mechanism to reduce contention when multiple task_arena’s are used concurrently.
  • Fixed sporadic memory corruption.
  • Enabled Microsoft Visual Studio* 2022 and Python 3.9 support.

Preview features

  • Extended task_group interface with a new run_and_wait overload to accept task_handle.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed possible correctness issue in queuing_rw_mutex on non-Intel platforms.
  • Fixed GCC* 11 warnings.
  • Fixed sporadic memory corruption.

See our Release Notes to learn more about known limitations and new features.

sha256 sums for packages

74861b1586d6936b620cdab6775175de46ad8b0b36fa6438135ecfb8fb5bdf98  oneapi-tbb-2021.5.0-lin.tgz
388c1c25314e3251e38c87ade2323af74cdaae2aec9b68e4c206d61c30ef9c33  oneapi-tbb-2021.5.0-mac.tgz


Thanks to everyone who helped us make 2021.5.0 release possible!

@AlexVeprev, @vlserov, @Iliamish, @isaevil, @zheltovs, @alexey-katranov, @alexandraepan, @vlserov, @pavelkumbrasev, @outoftardis, @ivankochin, @anton-potapov, @leeks-int, @Vertexwahn.

oneTBB 2021.4.0

04 Oct 17:32
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