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HBnB | Apps | Virtual GamePad

unclehowell edited this page Jul 24, 2021 · 1 revision

Install Node.js

curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt install -y build-essential python-dev nodejs npm
npm install -g npm

(Mines node -v = v14.13.0, nodejs -v = v10.21.0, npm -v = 6.14.8)

You may also need development tools to build native addons:

sudo apt-get install gcc g++ make
curl -sL | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yarn

Then run:

sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n 9
sudo npm install -g npm

(Mines now node -v = v9.11.2 - nodejs & npm are the same)

Install Virtual Gamepad (Must Be Run As Root!)

sudo -i
cd /
git clone
cd node-virtual-gamepads
npm install

Test it out

sudo node main.js

Make the gamepad load at startup

sudo npm install pm2 -g
sudo pm2 start main.js   # full path e.g. /home/pi/node-virtual-gamepad/main.js etc
sudo pm2 startup
sudo pm2 save

EmulationStation Controller Config

(in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads/Virtualgamepad.cfg)

input_device = "Virtual gamepad"
input_driver = "udev"
input_r_btn = "5"
input_save_state_btn = "5"
input_start_btn = "7"
input_exit_emulator_btn = "7"
input_l_btn = "4"
input_load_state_btn = "4"
input_up_axis = "-1"
input_a_btn = "0"
input_b_btn = "1"
input_reset_btn = "1"
input_down_axis = "+1"
input_right_axis = "+0"
input_state_slot_increase_axis = "+0"
input_x_btn = "2"
input_menu_toggle_btn = "2"
input_select_btn = "6"
input_enable_hotkey_btn = "6"
input_y_btn = "3"
input_left_axis = "-0"
input_state_slot_decrease_axis = "-0"

Prevent "Welcome - No Gamepad Detected" on boot-up

You just need to configure a keyboard as a gamepad once. Then it seems to stop asking you on boot-up.


npm audit fix

Running this command can actually cause the gamepad not to run. So don't run it when it suggests, not unless sudo node main.js fails.

other errors

Most other errors are solved by simply removing the node_modules directory and performing sudo npm install again.


Document Library

  • [Consortium | Campuses - CaseStudy | Campus1]
  • [Consortium | Campuses - SiteSurvey | JamHighland]
  • [Consortium | Contracts - Patents | Google]
  • [Consortium | Financials - Funding | Investors]
  • [Consortium | Financials - Funding | Creditors]
  • [Consortium | Plans - Ops | Business]
  • [Consortium | Plans - Test | Network]
  • [Bloculus | Protocol - Ops | BusinessCase]
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