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HBnB | Manual Build Process

unclehowell edited this page Jul 26, 2021 · 2 revisions

Install Dependencies

sudo apt-get install git

Install GUI

Get the GUI and place it onto your webserver e.g. /var/www/html/

cd /var/www/html

sudo svn co --depth infinity (the online interactive demo ( source files, are the same source files as the actual GUI )

Get Started

  1. visit http://hostname/

  2. For installation instructions for the application, search for the corresponding documentation using the search tool.


Document Library

  • [Consortium | Campuses - CaseStudy | Campus1]
  • [Consortium | Campuses - SiteSurvey | JamHighland]
  • [Consortium | Contracts - Patents | Google]
  • [Consortium | Financials - Funding | Investors]
  • [Consortium | Financials - Funding | Creditors]
  • [Consortium | Plans - Ops | Business]
  • [Consortium | Plans - Test | Network]
  • [Bloculus | Protocol - Ops | BusinessCase]
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