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Artifact for "Symmetries in Reversible Programming"

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This repository contains the accompanying formalisation for the POPL'22 paper "Symmetries in Reversible Programming: From Symmetric Rig Groupoids to Reversible Programming Languages".

The purpose of this artifact is to:

  • Provide a partial formalisation of the semantics presented in the paper and related results.

  • Show applications of the semantics, using a collection of examples showing normalisation-by-evaluation, synthesis, and equivalence of reversible circuits written in the Pi language.


The formalisation has been checked using Agda and the HoTT-Agda library (using Andrew Swan's fork).

Option 1: Native installation

The easiest way to install Agda on your machine is using stack.

$ stack install Agda-

Then, clone this repository (including submodules recursively) and use the provided Makefile. The repository uses a submodule which contains the main formalisation and library submodules (and more related work on Pi).

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd popl22-symmetries-artifact

To count the number of lines, we use cloc which can be installed using a package manager.

Option 2: Using our docker image

We also provide a prebuilt docker image (linux/amd64) with all tools and libraries installed.

$ docker pull vikraman/popl22-symmetries-artifact
$ docker run -it --rm vikraman/popl22-symmetries-artifact bash


We provide a Makefile whose default target checks the Pi/Everything.agda file.

$ make

Or, it can also exhaustively check every file in the Pi directory.

$ make reallyall

Alternatively, you can check individual files in agda, and step through each term interactively.

To step through the proofs and examples interactively, one has to use the interactive Agda mode, which is available for Emacs and VSCode. To use it:

  • In Emacs, simply use agda-mode locate and load the file to get the major mode for Agda. Use C-c C-l to load the Agda file, and C-u C-c C-n to compute the normal form of a term.

  • In VSCode, install agda-mode extension and point it to the location of Agda executable in your system. The usage instructions are provided in the extension's documentation. To load the file, use C-c C-l. After loading the file, inspect the normal form of a chosen expression by using C-u C-n.

To count the number of lines, run:

$ make cloc

To list the TODOs in the formalisation, run:

$ make todos

As a convention, the ones marked TODO! are the important ones, and the ones marked TODO- are trivial.


This repository contains the formalisation of the denotational semantics of Pi, accompanying the paper. Pi/Everything.agda is the main entrypoint to the project. The Agda source is also hosted as interactive html here.

Each subdirectory has its own README file, which describes the files in that directory, and is a good starting point to understanding the high-level structure of the code.


  • Pi.Common: Common lemmas and definitions about natural numbers and lists, used in the project.
  • Pi.Coxeter: Definition and properties of the Coxeter relation and the rewriting system based on it.
  • Pi.Equiv: The main proof of equivalence between Pi and UFin.
  • Pi.Examples: Examples of reversible boolean circuits showing applications of the semantics.
  • Pi.Experiments: Various experiments, alternative approaches and earlier results.
  • Pi.FSMG: Free symmetric monoidal groupoids.
  • Pi.Lehmer: Lehmer codes.
  • Pi.Syntax: Syntax of Pi and its variants.
  • Pi.UFin: Construction of UFin and various properties.

List of Claims

Section 3

This section presents the syntax of Pi and its soundness with respect to finite sets and bijections.

Claim Formalisation
Figure 3 Pi/Syntax/Pi.agda
Theorem 3.1.1 Pi/Examples/Interp.agda

Section 4

This section develops the theory of univalent subuniverses, and the construction of $U_{fin}$ and its algebraic structure. We list the claims and their corresponding formalisations in the table below.

Claim Formalisation
Definition 4.1 Pi/UFin/Univ.agda#L25
Definition 4.2 Pi/UFin/Univ.agda#L42
Proposition 4.3 Pi/UFin/Univ.agda#L76
Definition 4.4 HoTT-Agda/core/lib/types/Fin.agda
Definition 4.5 HoTT-Agda/theorems/homotopy/FinSet.agda#L13
Lemma 4.6 HoTT-Agda/theorems/homotopy/FinSet.agda#L51
Definition 4.7 HoTT-Agda/theorems/homotopy/FinSet.agda#L10
Definition 4.8 HoTT-Agda/core/lib/types/BAut.agda#L10
Definition 4.9 Pi/UFin/Base.agda
Lemma 4.10.1 Pi/UFin/BAut.agda#L31
Lemma 4.10.2 HoTT-Agda/core/lib/types/BAut.agda#L27
Lemma 4.10.3 Pi/UFin/BAut.agda#63
Theorem 4.11 Pi/UFin/Base.agda#L18
Proposition 4.12 Pi/UFin/Monoidal.agda
Theorem 4.13 Pi/UFin/Monoidal.agda

Section 5

The main theorems in the section - equivalences between Sn, normalisation function image and Lehmer codes - appear exactly in the Agda code. The intermediate steps were, however, slightly modified in the paper, to simplify the presentation. The main difference is that the main proofs of the properties of Coxeter relations are initially done, for technical and historical reasons, without using parametrising it over n - i.e., working on List ℕ instead of List (Fin n), (Pi/Coxeter/NonParametrized), and only later is this changed, in (Pi/Coxeter/Parametrized).

Another difference is that, again for mostly historical reasons, we have used two definitions of Lehmer codes (Pi/Lehmer/Lehmer.agda and Pi/Lehmer/Lehmer2.agda), and proved them to be equivalent.

The functions marked with {-# TERMINATING #-} can be proved terminating on paper, using the fact that the Coxeter reduction relation decreases the lexicographical order of words.

Claim Formalisation Note
Proposition 5.1 Not formalised and not used, included just for presentation purposes
Definition 5.2 HoTT-Agda/core/lib/groups/GeneratedGroup.agda
Definition C.2 Not formalised and not used, included just for presentation purposes
Proposition 5.3 HoTT-Agda/core/lib/groups/GeneratedGroup.agda
Definition 5.4 HoTT-Agda/core/lib/groups/GeneratedGroup.agda
Proposition 5.5 HoTT-Agda/core/lib/groups/GeneratedGroup.agda
Definition 5.6 Pi/Coxeter/Coxeter.agda#L38 Missing successor in the paper
Definition 5.7 Pi/Common/ListN.agda#L37 Not using Fin for the result
Definition 5.8 Pi/Coxeter/NonParametrized/ReductionRel.agda#L13 Slightly different (but equivalent) form of constructors
Definition C.3 Pi/Coxeter/Coxeter.agda#L43
Definition C.4 Pi/Coxeter/NonParametrized/ReductionRel.agda#L18
Definition C.5 Pi/Coxeter/NonParametrized/ReductionRel%2B.agda#L14
Theorem 5.9.1 Pi/Coxeter/NonParametrized/Diamond.agda#L23
Theorem 5.9.2 Proved on paper - lexicographic ordering
Theorem 5.9.3 Pi/Coxeter/NonParametrized/Diamond.agda#L170
Theorem 5.9.4.a Pi/Coxeter/NonParametrized/LehmerReduction.agda#L372 Exists v
Theorem 5.9.4.b Pi/Coxeter/NonParametrized/LehmerCanonical.agda#L232 v is NF
Theorem 5.9.4.c Pi/Coxeter/NonParametrized/LehmerCanonical.agda#L294 NF is unique
Proposition 5.10 Pi/Coxeter/NonParametrized/CoxeterMCoxeterEquiv.agda#L37 Also proven for other versions of Coxeter
Proposition 5.11.1 Pi/Coxeter/Norm.agda#L19
Proposition 5.11.2 Pi/Coxeter/Norm.agda#L25
Definition 5.12 Pi/Coxeter/Sn.agda#L22
Proposition 5.13.1 Pi/Coxeter/Norm.agda
Proposition 5.13.2 Pi/Coxeter/Norm.agda#L163
Theorem 5.14.1 Pi/Coxeter/Group.agda#L14
Theorem 5.14.2 Pi/Coxeter/GeneratedGroup.agda#L11
Definition 5.15 Pi/Lehmer/Lehmer2.agda#L7
Definition 5.17 Pi/Coxeter/Lehmer2CoxeterEquiv.agda#L23
Theorem 5.18.1 Pi/Coxeter/NonParametrized/LehmerCanonical.agda#L232 Defined using Pi/Coxeter/LehmerImmersion.agda#L19
Theorem 5.18.2 Pi/Coxeter/NormEquiv.agda
Corollary 5.19 Pi/Coxeter/Lehmer2SnEquiv.agda#L20
Definition 5.20 Pi/Lehmer/FinExcept.agda#L48
Lemma 5.21.1 Pi/Lehmer/FinExcept.agda#L159
Lemma 5.21.2 Pi/Lehmer/FinExcept.agda#L224
Theorem 5.22 Pi/Lehmer/Lehmer2FinEquiv.agda#L18
Corollary 5.23 Composition of previous corollaries

Section 6

This section presents the equivalence between the syntax and semantics. In the formalisation, this is done by constructing functions eval/quote for 0, 1, and 2-cells, between each variant of the language and finally with UFin. Instead of following the list of claims in the text, we state what each file does.

Section 7

The formalisation includes several examples, including those mentioned in the paper, and others. Despite postulates, the examples are written in such a way that they will compute (with some caveats).

The files are more-or-less self-documented -- we define each reversible circuit, compute their normal forms, then quote them back, step-by-step using the semantics. One can inspect each term using Agda's interactive mode, using the "Compute Normal Form" command (in Emacs, make sure to add C-u to compute the most normalised form).

Note that computing normal forms for some circuits can be really slow.


  • In the formalisation, there is an additional step of going through Pi+ variant where types are indexed by their cardinality, this makes it easier to write some proofs which perform induction on the syntax, and eliminate some absurd cases (using the eq-size rewrite).
  • Proving termination for certain functions is difficult in Agda, and we assert they're terminating. On paper, it is easy to see that they terminate.
  • In HoTT-Agda, univalence/HITs are asserted as postulates, and they don't compute. Further, computing or proving with the identity type relies on beta/eta reduction done "by hand", which is not explicitly done in the paper. This makes some formalised proofs verbose.
  • Using the formalised rewriting system to compute the normalisation function is very slow. We include several examples in the formalisation and it takes a while to compute them. Some computations are intractable, and we have left them commented out.
  • Translating commutative diagrams for large coherence results to Pi syntax using combinators is tedious. Similarly, using decidable equality and case matches to define large functions and reductions and then proving things about them is tedious. Some parts of the formalisation have been left as TODOs but we provide references for them, or give a proof outline on paper.
  • FSMG is a HIT for free symmetric monoidal groupoids, this is experimental and left as future work. Experiments contains alternative definitions using HITs and some earlier attempts at proving the main equivalence.