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Scott Hyndman edited this page Dec 10, 2022 · 11 revisions

Test part to test Bed level calibration. The initial part Size ( 100x100 ) is scaled to the current bed level size. This part is designed to help you check that you are correctly leveling you printer bed. It prints some thin rectangles in the different corners of your printer bed.

Parametric Bed Level test

OpenScad Parametric Bed Level Test Model

Parametric Bed Level test

Printing Conditions

 - Nozzle Size : 0.4
 - Initial Layer Height : 0.2
 - Line Width : 0.4
 - Wall Line Count : 3
 - Fill Gaps Between Walls (Only for release of Cura previous to V5) : Nowhere
 - Build Plate Adhesion Type : None
 - Initial Layer Speed : 20 mm/s
 - Outer Before Inner Walls: True

Printing Time = 12 mn (Depends of the bed Size)


Print the test part. After printing, check that the quality of the first layer is consistent throughout the build plate and that the plastic will adhere well to your building plate. The squares should appear even with a smooth surface.

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