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Meeting 16.10.21

LemonPapperSeasoning edited this page Oct 25, 2021 · 1 revision

16/10/21 Meeting minutes

Meeting agenda:

Transition + Animations: -click button (expands items while clicking) → add shadow to a button once clicked (darken), also make screen look like it’s coming out out of button rather than sharply changing the screen -changes how screen are loaded between changes (screen is pulled back from the bottom currently and this looks unnatural) -animations to search bar list suggestions: loading, dissolves/fades into screen, shuffles cards -sidebar animation (revolving)

Other features: -prettify the search bar -prettify the search list elements -change main screen ui

Issues: -when you go to a stock screen from watchlist or portfolio and use the back button, it points to a null object -make search bar automatically close when side bar menu is pressed -get the cross button on search -fix navigation problem to avoid cycles

Two options for screen: 1. Fix layout size and match components to the layout --> issues: components may look weird in certain layout, but the screen will always be filled. 2. Fix component size and match layout to component and make layout scrollable --> issues: not all components may show or screen may have empty spots, but items will maintain their desired shape or layout. We are going for option 2.

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