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Meeting 22.09.21

LemonPapperSeasoning edited this page Oct 25, 2021 · 1 revision

Meeting Minutes 22/09/21 3:30pm

Meeting Agenda: Starting planning


  1. Stocks-listing companies → i) Categories : business type (tech, pharmaceutical, restaurant, retail, Industrial) ii) Items : iii) Company name, Description (their product, goal, ethics), historical price, related stocks(other users who invested in this stock also invested in this…..) Images: Company logo, Products they make(computers, etc), Office picture(silicon office)

User requirements: -user login functionality -categories/items -filter: price, popularity -user must be able to see 3 images in item description with other details

  • menu in landing page: User settings, Favourites, Log in/out -related stocks(stocks that others brought who brought the same stock) -User portfolio. (list of stocks they own) -Stock updates / News -Favorites -Stock charts i.e. Trends (updated daily)

Ordering -Biggest change in 24 hours -Name -Price per stock


Landing screen

List of categories

List of items in each categories

Item description page

Help screen


Task allocation:

By Friday, we want Basic UI and UML.

UI-Jonathon & Takahiro UML-On friday

Data schema

User { uid: Username : HashPassword: }

Favorites{ id: Company : Foreign key to Company Uid : Foreign key to User }

Portfolio{ id : Primary key Date: dd/mm/yyyy format Amount : Company : Foreign key Company Uid : Foreign key to User }

SELECT * FROM portfolio WHERE Uid == “1”

Company{ id: Company Description (Change later): Current stock: API link : }

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