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Meeting 20.09.21

LemonPapperSeasoning edited this page Oct 25, 2021 · 1 revision

20/09/21 Meeting Minutes

Task Allocation:

Plan (20th sep) Gantt chart Development styles Planning context SOLID Principles (coding/naming conventions as well) Setup (22 sept Weds) Github Treelo Google Maven project CI/CD Firestore database (by friday) Design (25th sept friday) start on 22nd wends UI UML Software architecture

===== Design Doc ===== (29th of October)

Implementation Frontend: MainActivity, ListActivity, DetailsActivity, Search Activity Backend: Database Storage: Preference list(selection list), List of categories, List of items, User info(if there is login functionality)

Refactoring Animations Transitions SOLID Principles Proofreading & Commenting

Interview/Demo + Report Interview Prep Report

-Setup Firestore database -MainActivity page -Main

We use information from the internet. (& store in firebase)

Design Doc Responsibility:

Tasks Alan Jonathon Takahiro

  1. Introduction
  1. System Modelling
  1. System Design

4.a. Initial Design Smells


4.b SOLID principles

4.c: Software Design Smell Analysis


4.d: Metrics and Quality attributes


  1. GUI Mocks
  1. Data schema

7.a Role of each software designer

7 b. Gantt chart *

Requirements for context: -need at least 3 categories -need at least ten items per category -need multiple images (at least 3)-related items as well?

Planning context:

  1. Food-uber eats Restaurant name i) Categories: Entree(Appetizer), Main Course, Dessert ii) Items: e.g. for main course → pasta, steak, etc iii) What to show: 3 images(different views) of the meal, rating + reviews, prices, time offered

supermarket i) Categories: Types of items(meat, snacks, vegetables, dairy, fruit) ii) List: Meat → Steak, Pork, Bacon, Ham iii) What to show: 3 images of the stuff, + nutrition + source of product

  1. Stocks-listing companies → i) Categories : business type (tech, pharmaceutical, restaurant, retail, Industrial) ii) Items : iii) Company name, Description (their product, goal, ethics), historical price, related stocks(other users who invested in this stock also invested in this…..) Images: Company logo, Products they make(computers, etc), Office picture(silicon office)

We will choose between a restaurant or stock listing. Make decisions after researching android.

Same coding convection from project 1.

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