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Mission IDs

Matt Filer edited this page Jul 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

M01 - Mission 1, "Closing the Book"

Codename: "TORRENS" or "M01_INTRO_TORRENS"'

M02 - Not in Final Game

Codename: "M02_Patna"

M03 - Not in Final Game

Codename: UNKNOWN

M04 - Mission 2, "Welcome to Sevastopol"


M05 - Not in Final Game

Codename: UNKNOWN

M06 - Mission 3, "Encounters"

Codename: "M06_TRAVEL_TO_COMMS"

M07 - Mission 4, "Seegson Communications"

Codename: "M07_INSIDE_COMMS"

M08 - Not in Final Game

Codename: UNKNOWN

M09 - Mission 5, "The Quarantine"


M10 - Mission 6, "The Outbreak"


M11 - Mission 7, "Seegson Synthetics"

Codename: "M11_SAVING_KANE"

M12 - Mission 8, "Haven"

Codename: "M12_TASK_FOR_WAIT"

M13 - Mission 9, "Beacon"

Codename: "M13_LV426"

M14 - Mission 10, "The Trap"


M15 - Not in Final Game

Codename: "M15_JUST_A_NAME" and "M15_Justa_Name"

M16 - Mission 11, "Hazard Containment"

Codename: "M16_RETURN_TO_MHQ"

M17 - Not in Final Game

Codename: UNKNOWN

M21 - Mission 12, "Synthetic Solution"


M22 - Mission 13, "Consultation"

Codename: "M22_ALL_FATHER_CORE"

M25 - Mission 14, "The Descent"

Codename: "M25_ROCK_BOTTOM"

M26 - Not in Final Game

Codename: UNKNOWN

M27 - Mission 15, "The Message"

Codename: "M27_ANESIDORA" and "M27_Solace"

M29 - Not in Final Game

Codename: "M29_PLAN_B"

M30 - Mission 16, "Transmission"


M32 - Mission 17, "Desolation"


M33 - Mission 18, "Tomorrow, Together"

Codename: "M33_SHOWDOWN"

M34 - Mission 19, "Isolation"

Codename: "M34_EPILOGUE"

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