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Save,Load,Reset config changes

Matt Filer edited this page Jul 16, 2019 · 1 revision

The Alien: Isolation Mod Tools come equipped with tools for saving, loading, and resetting modified configuration files. This can be a useful feature when working on a specific set of changes that you'd like to come back to at another point, or even for distributing to other users of the mod tools to promote a healthy modding community. From here on out, modified configuration files are referred to as a "mod" - edited files are packaged up to create these "mods" which can be loaded/saved/reset with the toolkit.

A word of warning: this functionality covers only "config" changes, and not "content" files (such as texture or UI edits). This is because configuration files are significantly smaller than files changed by "content" edits, and don't bloat the tool to handle. If making any changes to "content", manual backups are required to revert changes (or the use of Steam's file verification system).

Loading a mod

The mod tools have a built in mod loader which makes it super easy to switch between different mods without messing with game files.

  1. Launch the mod tools and press "Load". Find any previously saved mods in this list.
  2. You will be shown an overview of the mod - press the install button and yes when asked to confirm.

Your mod is now installed! You can easily switch to other mods by selecting them from the same load list and pressing install again.

If you're trying to load a mod that you've been sent by someone else, take their mod's folder and navigate to your Alien: Isolation directory. Go to "DATA", "MODS". You can copy the new mod folder in, and it will appear in the tool's list mentioned above.

For obvious reasons, only one mod can be loaded at any one time.

Saving your mod

When you've finished creating a mod you can save it for either personal use or to share it with others.

  1. Load the mod tools and select "Save".
  2. Enter the mod name (used to identify the mod), description (shown in the tools when previewing the mod), author (your name) and tagline (the description used in-game).
  3. Select an image to use as the mod's preview picture and select what configurations you wish to include in your mod. You may have changed something you don't want included. Be careful not to include/exclude something important!
  4. Press save. Your mod will be created and the file explorer will open.

Follow the steps under "loading a mod" to import a previously saved mod from an external source.

Removing mods

Removing installed mods or reverting changes you've made through the editing tools is easy!

  1. Open up the mod tools.
  2. Click "Reset".
  3. Select the files you wish to remove and press "Yes" when asked to confirm. If you want to remove all files (a whole mod or all changes you've made), select "Reset All Files".
  4. The selected file(s) will now be reverted back to defaults and the game can be played as normal.

Remember that there is no undo! Re-installing mods is easy, but re-creating something you've made yourself may take a while.

It's worth saving your mod before resetting so that you can load the configurations back at any time if you wish to revisit the project.

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