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.Split Format

MichaelJBerk edited this page Oct 26, 2022 · 11 revisions

NOTE: This information pertains to .split files made using Splitter ≥ 4.0. For files created using older versions, see Legacy .Split format

.split is Splitter's native file format, containing both the run and layout information. It's recommended to save a run in .split to make the most of Splitter's features, unless you have a particular reason to save it in another format.

.split is a file bundle - it's just a folder with “.split” at the end. On a Mac with Splitter installed, it will appear as a single file, and the structure can be browsed by right-clicking in the finder and choosing “Show Package Contents”. In any other case, it will simply appear as a folder.

Layout and run information are saved in layout.lsl and run.lss respectively, using the same formats as LiveSplit. Certain settings aren't natvely supported by LiveSplit, and are saved in runinfo.json and appearance.json.

Components are handled by appearance.json instead of layout.lsl. In Splitter, each run actually contains all of the avilable components, and the user can toggle whether each component is hidden or visible. As such, only reading layout.lsl won't give you all of the necessary information about each component - you'll need to look at appearance.json as well

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