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MichaelJBerk edited this page Oct 26, 2022 · 2 revisions


NOTE: This page only applies to Splitter ≥ 5.0

A Comparison is a value that the current time of a run is being compared to. For example, if you have a column that compares the current time to your Personal Best time, we say that the comparison is Personal Best.

Comparisons are primarily used for columns in the Splits component. Each run has a "default" comparison, which is used as the default value for new columns, and can be changed in the Run Info settings panel. You can also set a unique comparison for each column in the Splits component's settings panel.

There's a few different kinds of comparisons that Splitter can generate:

  • Average Segments: Calculated through a weighted arithmetic mean that gives more recent segments a larger weight so that the Average Segments are more suited to represent the current performance of a runner.
  • Latest: Using the Segment History, this comparison reconstructs the splits of the furthest, most recent attempt. If at least one attempt has been finished, this comparison will show the most recent finished attempt. If no attempts have been finished yet, this comparison will show the attempt that got the furthest.
  • Personal Best: Compares the segment time to that on your best overall attempt at the run (even if another attempt has a better time for that segment)
  • Balanced PB: Calculates a comparison which has the same final time as the runner’s Personal Best. Unlike the Personal Best however, all the other split times are automatically balanced by the runner’s history in order to balance out the mistakes present in the Personal Best throughout the comparison. Running against an unbalanced Personal Best can cause frustrations. A Personal Best with a mediocre early game and a really good end game has a high chance of the runner losing a lot of time compared to the Personal Best towards the end of a run. This may discourage the runner, which may lead them to reset the attempt. That’s the perfect situation to compare against the Balanced Personal Best comparison instead, as all of the mistakes of the early game in such a situation would be smoothed out throughout the whole comparison.
  • Best Segments: Calculates a comparison using the individual best segments of a run
  • Best Split Times: Best Split Times represent the best pace that the runner was ever on up to each split in the run. The Best Split Times are calculated by taking the best split time for each individual split from all of the runner’s attempts.
  • Median Segments: Calculated through a weighted median that gives more recent segments a larger weight so that the Median Segments are more suited to represent the current performance of a runner.
  • Worst Segments: Compares the segment time to your worst time for that segment

Most of the above information is taken/adapted from the LiveSplitCore Documentation.

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