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Releases: j4s0n-c/trowaSoft-VCV

v2.0.8 Minor Updates

04 Jul 21:55
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For Rack v2.x.
Compiled vs Rack SDK v2.3 (via plugin-toolchain)

See full Change Log.

NOTE: We are unable to test the Mac ARM builds, please leave feedback and/or bugs on the Issue tracker.


  • cvOSCcv, cvOSC: Added context menu options to set the default change sensitivity (for when no trigger is present). (Issue #68)


  • multiScope : Fixed a bug where the background color picker would not work (broken since v2 conversion). (Issue #67)

v2.0.7: polyGen, multiWaveMini, 16- and 32-channel cvOSCcv Expanders

24 Jan 07:22
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For Rack v2.x.
Compiled vs Rack SDK v2.2.2 (via plugin-toolchain)

See full Change Log.


  • This is the first time we have used the plugin-toolchain to build the binaries.
    If there are any problems please report them in the Github Issue tracker (especially for Mac ARM).
  • We are unable to test the Mac ARM builds, please leave feedback and/or bugs on the Issue tracker.



  • cvOSCcv:
    • Modified to support new expander modules for extra input and outputs.
    • Added Page select to change which column you are editing for expanders with > 1 column (8 channels).
    • Added RENUMBER button to re-address the expander channels from the configuration screen.
    • Other misc. changes.
  • Sequencers:
    • Added Copy & Paste of a row, column, or a single step.
    • (voltSeq, multiSeq) Added enumerated selections in the Context Menu for steps for NOTE and PATT modes. You can still type the value in the Context Menu or select the value from an option list.
    • (voltSeq, multiSeq) Adjusted how the octave was calculated for display in NOTE mode (sometimes it would give the wrong octave).
  • multiWave
    • Added buttons to Oscillator 2 and Oscillator 3 to sync directly with the oscillator above it.
    • Panel facelift.
  • Other misc. changes.


  • cvOSCcv : Fixed a bug where a received message's buffer size was larger than the max number of polyphonic channels (extra values would never be used anyway right now).


24 Oct 22:40
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For Rack v2.x.
Compiled vs Rack SDK v2.1.2.


  • [VST] Fixed a bug in the v2 conversion where fonts were not always loaded right before drawing (affects only when running Rack in VST)
  • cvOSCv:
    • Fixed a bug where deleting an active cvOSCcv that was receiving messages could crash Rack (Issue #60).
    • Fixed a bug where receiving malformed OSC packets would crash Rack (Issue #63).
  • multiSeq: Fixed a bug the top display would show the incorrect note in NOTE mode. (Issue #66).


06 Oct 01:03
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For Rack v2.x.
Compiled vs Rack SDK v2.1.2.

Conversion 2.0 complete.
Small bug fixes.

Initial v2 Conversion (pre-release)

26 Dec 08:16
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Initial v2 conversion (alpha). Still needs some items implemented for new v2 API, but should work.

cvOSCcv fix

14 Sep 07:45
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Hopefully fixed crashing on Windows and Mac (and probably linux) related to cvOSCcv multiple floats on one channel (polyphonic OSC>CV).

Compiled with Rack SDK 1.1.6

cvOSCcv Updates and Expansion Modules

03 Sep 06:58
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For Rack v1.x.
Compiled vs Rack SDK v1.1.4.


  • cvOSC and OSCcv: New expansion modules for cvOSCcv.
    • [cvOSC]: [INPUTS] CV => OSC.
      • Adds 8 more input channels with a TRG (mono) and a VAL (polyphonic) input each.
      • Module will only work if placed to the LEFT of a cvOSCcv module (must be touching it or another cvOSC) and must be configured by its master cvOSCcv module.
    • [OSCcv]: [OUTPUTS] OSC => CV.
      • Adds 8 more output channels with a TRG (mono)and a VAL (polyphonic) output each.
      • Module will only work if placed to the RIGHT of a cvOSCcv module (must be touching it or another OSCcv) and must be configured by its master cvOSCcv module.
    • Multiple expander modules may be stacked, but performance may suffer if too many are stacked.
    • Expander modules are configured in the master cvOSCcv module.


  • cvOSCcv:
    • Modified to support expander modules for extra input and outputs.
    • Port sharing is now allowed! Multiple cvOSCcv instances may now use the same Rx and Tx ports. (Issue #27).
      Multiple instances can talk to each other or to the same end point.
    • Add input clipping to ADV Channel Configuration. (Issue #41).
    • Add support for poly cables (up to 16 channels) for CV VAL input and output.
  • Other misc. changes.


  • trigSeq, trigSeq64:
    • Fixed an issue (v1 conversion) where OSC inputs would not control the steps. (Issue #39).
    • Fixed an issue (v1 conversion) where pads would not show up in MIDI-Map. (Issue #40).

Update for Rack v1.0 (Fix shadows and buttons)

01 Aug 05:45
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For Rack v1.x.
Compiled vs Rack SDK v1.1.2.


  • All Modules: Fix shadows on jacks and alignment on LED buttons.

Update for Rack v1.0

31 Jul 02:59
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For Rack v1.x.
Compiled vs Rack SDK v1.1.2.


  • All Modules: Updates for all modules to the Rack v1.0 API.
  • multiScope: Mac version is now up to date with the latest multiScope version (same as Windows and Linux).


  • tsBlank: (new v1.0) Simple variable width blank panel. Size 1-N grid widths.

Bug fixes, etc (Updated)

04 Apr 06:13
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Minor changes to cvOSCcv.


  • cvOSCcv: Fixed a bug where an empty namespace would crash Rack. Add support for empty namespaces.
  • Fixed a bug where the last character would not display in a text field.


  • cvOSCcv: Allow longer OSC paths for the channels.