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Installing Third Party Components Automatically

keithloo edited this page Oct 2, 2012 · 1 revision

Automated Installation using NuGet

A few of the dependencies are able to be installed with NuGet. Follow the instructions below if you would prefer to use NuGet to manage some of the third party components.

Manage NuGet Packages

NuGet is a new feature of Visual Studio 2010 (add-on from Visual Studio Gallery)

After downloading the OGDI source code, open the solution (Ogdi.sln) in Visual Studio. In order to install the required third party components in multiple projects, right click on the solution in the Solution Explorer and click on Manage NuGet Packages...

Visual Studio 2010: Manage NuGet Packages

This will open a dialog box that will allow you to select or search for a third party component. Use the search box (found in the upper right hand corner of the dialog) to find the particular package to install (see install instructions for a specific package).

Once you have found the package to install, clicking on the Install button will open a dialog box to specify which projects the package is to be installed (see install instructions for a specific package).

Select Projects for Package Installation

Installing Newtonsoft.Json with NuGet

####Search Term

  • Newtonsoft.Json
  • Json.NET

####Install in Project

  • Services_WebRole [.csproj]

Installing Newtonsoft.Json with NuGet