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Installing Third Party Components Manually

keithloo edited this page Oct 2, 2012 · 1 revision

The project ships with these references in tact, but the binaries will not be included. Follow the table below in order to place the binaries in the proper location.

Installation Locations

%OGDI_ROOT% is the directory in which you have downloaded the OGDI source code.

Component File Folder Notes Available on NuGet
Newtonsoft.Json %OGDI_ROOT%\Shared\ Yes
CSharpFormat %OGDI_ROOT%\Shared\ Requires Building the Project.
Fluent Ribbon Control Suite %OGDI_ROOT%\Shared\
LumenWorks.Framework.IO.dll %OGDI_ROOT%\Shared\

Any Component which marked as Available on NuGet can be managed using the Visual Studio NuGet Package installer.
View the instructions on Installing Third Party Components (Automatically).