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OGDI Service Topology

keithloo edited this page Oct 2, 2012 · 9 revisions

OGDI Service Topology in Windows Azure

OGDI Framework Topology in Windows Azure

Data Browser (Hosted Service)

The DataLab Data Browser provides a graphical user interface for browsing and interacting with the data which has been imported into the DataLab.

Web Role

The Data Browser Web Role provides:

  • Map (with overlay of supported data points)
  • Graph Visualization of Data
  • Ability to download data sets in multiple data formats

Worker Role

The Data Browser Worker Role is responsible for:

  • Converting Data from the DataLab native format to
    • CSV
    • DAISY
  • Sending Email (provided the required [SMTP] settings are configured in the Service Configuration)

Data Service (Hosted Service)

The Data Service Provides the means of extracting the data from multiple Windows Azure Storage Accounts.

Web Role

The Data Service is an ASP.NET MVC based Http Service to the back end Data Containers.

Configuration (Windows Azure Storage)

The Configuration Storage Account is a Windows Azure Storage Account which identifies a number of Data Container Storage Accounts which have been setup for storing information in DataLab.

Blob Storage

Blob Storage maintains:

  • Diagnostic Information
  • Data overflow from Table Columns

Table Storage

This is the main storage location for configuration information in a DataLab install. This configuration information includes:

  • Data Container Endpoints
  • Analytic Information
    • Page Views
    • Data Views
  • Comments
  • Ratings for Data
  • User Information

Queue (not shown in diagram)

The Windows Azure [Storage] Queue provides the means for asynchronous communication between the Data Browser Web and Worker Role.

XML formatted messages are placed on the Queue to be picked up and processed by the worker role.

Data Container(s) (Windows Azure Storage)

Stores the data for use in DataLab. Multiple of these Data Container Storage Accounts can be added to the DataLab in order to provide storage for as much data as needed.

Table Storage

Stores the uploaded CSV or KML data in the Data Browser native format.