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Meeting 2017 05 31

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page May 31, 2017 · 2 revisions

Meeting: Wed 31 May, 08:00 UTC (See other locations)

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Access Code: 110-180-797


  1. Status of the document
  2. Next steps
  3. AOB



  • Andy
  • Andy W
  • Antonio
  • Martin (scribe)
  • Nicolas

Status of the work

  • Martin: Andy and I had an informal meeting yesterday, to discuss the work. Some proposals I’m adding to the docs.
  • … [Explaining the work done]
  • … I’m in conversations with the group to propose an extension of for athletics. The common feeling is that athletics is not important for everyone, but I can extract some common aspects from our model with application to the rest of sports (i.e., Athlete or SportsCompetition).
  • … In contact also with IPTC SportsML (yesterday I had a meeting with them)
  • … I’ve started with the vocabulary, looking for the right properties and classes. Taking them from existing vocabularies.
  • Andy: [Explaining his work up to date]
  • Andy: Defining the DB tables for our entry and competition management system
  • … All compatible
  • … Complex and generic competition
  • … What we are using in our model is more concrete.
  • … All seems to be compatible but terms are different.
  • … [Explained the DB model they are developing]
  • … [Andy shows the OpenTrack entry system]
  • … [Information about statistics]
  • Martin: The OpenTrack model should be compatible with your representation. It should be as generic to fit reality in Athletics.
  • … I’ll continue with the open issues and refining the model.



  • Andy: I had a meeting with Dan from England Athletics, responsible for data protection. He is responsible now for communications and he is really glad to join us.

Next meeting

  • 7th June 2017, same time (8:00 UTC, 9:00 UK, 10:00 CEST), same place.
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