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Meeting 2021 01 18

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Jan 19, 2021 · 2 revisions


  • Andy R.
  • Duje B.
  • Johannes R.
  • Nicolas L.
  • Martin A.
  • Paul K.
  • Gus

Informal meeting with no topics on the agenda.

  • The group kept a conversation about the future works and specially how to incentivize the event organizers and federations to keep active, sending results and updating the data.

  • One of the benefits is that if they publish their results on opentrack, their results and ranking will be automatically updated.

  • Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Spain are willing to participate but we need to engage them to increase their participation.

  • The main reason is the lack of traction from the national federations. How to stimulate their participation?

  • EA already publishing calendar: (Also available on JSON format)

  • One proposal: search engines to collect and publish the ranking and calendar?

  • Also, meeting organizers can get better information on the web to promote themselves.

  • Martin to create a ETL to publish the opentrack data in so we can start the conversations. (Andy and Martin to discuss offline)

  • OpenTrack database is working on APIs: GET venues, and GET organizations.

  • Potential works:

    • People in database
    • Possible wrappers for Tilastopaja
  • shows the competition calendar on a map (some countries have empty spaces)

  • Opentrack also offers code to create a widget for the countries to publish their calendar on their website.

  • Sync up with contributors that are active right now. In one/two months EA can share more data.

  • The group decided to keep the monthly meeting as a follow up. Next meeting scheduled to 15th Feb at the same time.

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