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Gwilherm Baudic edited this page Dec 15, 2019 · 1 revision

Game ideas

There will be four game modes, as in the original game:

  • SOLO (solo, color 0x00FF00): each player plays for him/herself. Once dead, it can drop bonuses or maluses on the terrain. The winner is the team with the last person alive.
  • DUO (tag, color 0xFF0000): each player plays for itself, but has two different mobiles. One is at 100% life at the beginning of the game, and the second is at 30%. The player can change between these two as long as it is still alive. The winner is the team with the last person alive.
  • MULTI (score; color 0x2061c1): players are grouped in teams, and there is a fixed number of lifes for the whole team. As long as there are lifes left for their team, players can respawn. A team is removed from the game when all its members are dead at the same time, regardless of the remaining number of lifes left for this team. Like before, the winning team is the one with the last player alive.
  • POINTS (jewel, color 0xb562c4): players do not shoot at each other, but try to kill passive targets which carry a value tag giving their value in points. In the original game, these values were -5, 5, 10 or 25, with the -5 becoming a +5 after a few turns (10 ?). The first team to reach a score of 100 wins the game. Following the parallel on "jewels", -5 will be carbon (black), 5 ruby (red), 10 emerald (green) and 25 sapphire (blue).

I plan to have a more diverse choice of number of people in teams, as follows (GunBound original values are in bold):

Total number of people in room Available team sizes Number of teams
2 1 2
4 1, 2 4, 2
6 1, 2, 3 6, 3, 2
8 1, 2, 4 8, 4, 2

Please note that in a given room for a given game, all teams must have the same size. For example, you cannot play a game of 4 players as a "1 vs 1 vs 2".

Weather effects

Just like on Earth, the weather can be changing. A first factor already implemented in Worms, WarMUX and Gunbound is the wind, which can vary in direction and/or intensity. This one is mandatory.
Other planned effects include:

  • Tornado: a localized phenomenon which will completely change the course of any weapon going through it.
  • Mirror: the shot is reflected (only on the x speed vector coordinate)
  • Rainbow: the shot gets more energy
  • Teleport: this effect works in pairs, any shot hitting one of the two exits from the other.
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